Monday, January 27, 2020
The Role Of Queen Elizabeth 1 History Essay
The Role Of Queen Elizabeth 1 History Essay Queen Elizabeth I survived the hard reign and become the most famous leader in the history of British government. She was a courageous leader who applied every bit of her wisdom to overcome challenges which faced her leadership. However, Christopher Haigh in his book asks some questions about the famous queen Elizabeth I, with accordance to her leadership and gender. The first question Haigh is asking is about her skills in the application of powers in the leadership. He however answers his question by analyzing her role in both the Britain and in the running of the British government thus he develops the thesis the role of Queen Elizabeth 1 in the British government and nation. In addition, the second question that he is asking is about the relationship of her gender and leadership in the British government. The queen having been the only woman leader in the world at her time she must have faced social problems especially when relating with male counterparts in the leadership. However, Haigh answers the question by analyzing her reactions to the resistance of male leaders and also to the proposals of male leaders as well thus he develops the thesis her relationships with the statesmen of her time. More over, religion, parliament, royal court, and nobility also brought about challenges to the leadership of Queen Elizabeth 1 but to every challenge she applied her wisdom to contain the challenges. With accordance to these sources of challenges to her leadership, Haigh develops other thesis which are; her response to the religion, her response to parliamentary delegates about her marriage, her response to suitors, transformation of royal courts, Queen Elizabeth 1 and military actions between Britain and other states. Historically, at the period of the leadership of Queen Elizabeth 1, Britain had the best structured government in the world but rather one of the most complicated government systems in comparison with others. The governing system was a combination of monarchy government and democratic government structures. The government was divided into various groups so as to enable comprehensive leadership inn the country. First of all, there were national governments such as parliament and Privy Council which served the entire nation. Secondly, there were regional government bodies such as north and council of the marches and lastly there were minor government bodies which included county and community governments. The central government of England also known as the national government consisted of the monarch, Privy Council and the parliament all which fell under the monarch. Those three bodies worked together in ruling the nation, raising revenue, make laws and also dealt with national and international affairs. In most cases, the queen was always at the centre stage of any activity which was carried out by any governing system in Britain. She was the final decision maker to any bill or law that was passed by the governing structures since the apprehension of her signature was the final step into the passing of the laws and bills. The Privy Council acted as the administrative government body of England but it could not carryout its administrative role in the whole England and Wales thus it was assisted by both the council of north and marches. The council of the north resided in York and assisted in the administration of the northern England and council of marches resided in Wales thus it assisted in the administrative role in the southern England and also patrolled some counties of the English border. However, Queen Elizabeth 1 initiated the settling of the Privy Council in Ludlow, Wales which helped to centralize the role of the Privy Council which enabled it to take administrative charge in the whole of England. However, the councils of both, north and marches were also a part of the localized government since in the Tudor England local governments were necessary. However, the queen was the most senior person in England thus her commands and laws were to be observed and obeyed by everybody in England. In order to ensure that her laws were obeyed, she established royal representatives who were deployed in every county in the country. The most royal representatives were, the sheriffs, justices of the peace and later the lord lieutenants were also established. More also, she initiated the hierarchy of government systems in the cities end towns where various officials were to oversee maters related to the local governments but the most senior official was the mayor. However during the times of the queen Elizabeth 1, nobility and gently had much influence. British considered wealth which at the time was land as the greatest source of power. The few individuals, who possessed large tracts of land in the country, were considered to be wealthy and powerful thus they were masters to the tenants and laborers who worked on them. In addition, gentry and mobility was a position of high responsibility and served as the aids of the monarch at governing the lands on which they presided. On the other hand, tenants and laborers could present their grievances to their lords who were supposed to take action on them. However, incases where matter was complicated it was forwarded to the monarch for further considerations. More also, some lords took their work seriously and some served the nation by establishing heath, religion and education facilities. For instance, the Warwick hospital was established by lord Earl of Leicester. Tenants and laborers of those lands also owed loyalty to their lord and were expected to respond quickly to the calls of their lords. In addition, some lords had large number of subordinates who were loyal to them and it was a threat to the country because it was feared that emergence of rebellion by lords would have emerged to civil wars. However this is the reason to why Tudor monarch feared the defiant of the lords who had the ability to command loyalty of large proportion of the population. Queen Elizabeth took precaution when she was in power on the consequences of disagreements with the lords. In order to maintain peaceful ruling on the lords she applied her knowledge of the aristocratic political and religious views which influenced the views of tenants and laborers. Another important government structure during the times if Queen Elizabeth 1 was the courts structure in Britain. The Great Session or Assizes were the highest courts in England and were held twice each year. Also, there were Quarter Session Courts which were held four times in each year. Those courts handled the serious cases which could not have been handled by other low courts such as Petty Sessions, Manor Courts and in some cases Town Courts. However the individuals choice of courts depended on the individuals wealth. There were also special courts such as the Star Chamber which dealt with the highest ranked personalities in the country. However in most cases these courts dealt with cases which involved wealthy individuals and also consisted of privy councilors. There was also a court of chancery which had the ability to deal with criminal cases which could not have been handled at low courts. More over, there was also the court of the poor cases which was known as the court of requests. Religious affairs and other cases which were of moral justices were handled by the church courts. The role of queen in the court affairs was to approve the judges who appointed at the high courts and also dealt with the high treason which carried a death sentence. The queen used her wisdom to unite people who were of catholic and protestant faiths in England. Earlier during the reign of Mary 1, Roman Catholic faith was dominant in the country and the Catholics took the advantage to persecute and execute minority Protestants who were in the country. The actions of Catholics resulted to the displacement of their counterparts, Protestants from the country and settled in the neighboring countries. This ended after the death of Mary 1 and the coronation of Queen Elizabeth 1which triggered the coming back of earlier displaced Protestants into the country. However, the coming of the Protestants was viewed to be aimed at carrying out revenge attacks against those who belonged to the catholic faith. To combat the oncoming religious crisis in the country, Queen Elizabeth 1 was made the supreme head of the church in 1559. For a long time, she remained silent on the matters relating to the religious crisis. This resulted to some sort of automatic reconciliation whereby many Catholics converted to Protestants for fear of the attacks which made the population of Catholics to massively decline. She also did not insult the catholic faithful but made sure that they did not lose the positions that they held in the government. In 1569, she was faced by a hard test of her authority during the procession of revolts. Two catholic men who were under her authority were sworn into her government which resulted to public anger against her. However, the Catholics remained loyal to her though they were in a small number which she tolerated throughout her reign. Her action, not to take revenge against Catholics, earned her respect from the British which is memorable to many generations. It was her first test of courage on authority in which she emerged victorious. Also, her response to parliamentary delegates who insisted on her getting married portrayed her courage when she was a young woman. The parliamentarians wanted her to get married to a fellow Briton in order that she may give birth to a male child who could inherit the throne. Her response to them showed that she understood their petition against her to be facilitated by gender discrimination. At this time, there was no gender equality in the parliament and that was the reason to why parliamentarians were not royal to her throne. They wanted the head of the throne to be a man and thats why they dictated that the inheritance of the throne be taken by the male child. She however responded in a respectful manner in which she made them know that she was the head of the throne and marriage was a Gods given gift rather not a dictated thing to be done. Queen Elizabeth 1, like other male leaders in other states went into military action against other states. She was the head of state thus the commander in chief of the armed forces according to the constitution of England during her reign. In the year 1588, execution of Mary Stuart, the queen of Scots, prompted Spain into attempting to attack England. The invasion led to the engagement of the royal navy who won the battle and made England to emerge as the country with the most prominent naval force I the whole world. Also, the queen led to the starting of the trading culture between England and other states in the world. Industrialization took place with the establishment of the British East India Company which was inaugurated by the queen. Historically, the queen was coroneted at a time when the economy of Britain was performing poorly but the staring of industrialization marked the positive economic growth in the country. The queen had a charismatic character which enabled her to be tolerance and endurance as well. She maintained a good relationship between the fellow statesmen and her. She is believed to have always responded positively to every matter that she acted upon which made statesmen to trust her and remain loyal to her authority. Internationally, she is said to have had a bad relationship with her cousin, Queen Mary of Scotland but she tolerated the bad relationship wisely until when she was executed. Also, she also responded wisely to the foreign men who had proposed to her when she was a young lady who ensured that a good relationship was maintained between England and other states. In this book, Haigh attempted to show the kind of leadership which is desirable in todays world. He used the leadership of queen elizabeth1 as an exhibit of the worlds best leadership in history. Many leaders face challenges during their reigns which put them to the tests of leadership skills thus using the example of the leadership of Queen Elizabeth 1, he advises the leaders on the priorities to be considered when faced with challenges. He concludes by saying that Elizabeth 1 cannot only be considered as a leader of England abut also as a savior who resisted human conflicts from happening when she stood between the religious groups, Catholics and protestants.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Pit And The Pendulum: Movie Vs. Book Essay -- essays research pape
The Pit and the Pendulum: Movie vs. Book The movie "The pit and the Pendulum" was nothing at all like the book. The movie started out as a man walked along the ocean to enter a huge castle. His sister had moved there when she married Dom Madena, but now she was dead. The castle was used to torture Catholics during the Inquisition. Dom Madena believes that the castle has an atmosphere of torture thick with death, and that led to the death of his sister. The doctor said she died of fright. They buried her in a tomb below the castle. As child Dom Madena saw his father torture and kill his father's brother and his own wife. He accused them of adultery. His father didn't torture his mother to death, he buried her alive. Dom Madena thought that he buried his wife alive. Then one night someone was playing the harpsichord just like his wife did. Another time a servant heard his wife whispering to her. Then one night someone trashed her room. Dom Madena, also called Nicholas, heard his wife calling him. He went through a secret passageway until he entered the room of all the torturing devices. He goes to his wife grave, which they dug up to prove she was dead, and she popped out of her grave. She chased him through the dungeon until they met with the doctor. Then Nicholas fainted, and his wife, who never really died, told him that it was all scheme. She and the doctor were having an affair. He chased the doctor and he fell into a pit and died...
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Language and Composition Song Of Solomon
Song Of Solomon two significant minor characters BY Glossary In Toni Morrison book Song of Solomon, she Introduces characters that are significant in every situation then finds a way for them to help further develop the plot. The two characters that are the most interesting in the smallest way are First Corinthians and Empire State. These two are involved in very little dialogue and don't appear often in the first three chapters. They aren't faced with difficult challenges or help the main characters, which only questions of their existence.This not only sakes them Important but Interesting while their characteristics are hard to read. First Corinthians, sister of Milkman and Magdalene Dead and daughter of Ruth and Macon Dead is kind of first introduced to us in the first chapter when the author says â€Å"The others, who knew that the house was more prison than palace, and that the Dodge Sedan was for Sunday drives only, felt sorry for Ruth Foster and her dry Daughters and called h er son â€Å"deep. †Reading this makes the author think – what Is wrong with the daughters? Is there something wrong with them or are they Just very observant and say very little?Corinthians isn't really mentioned again until chapter 2 where we get to see her interact with her family. During the car ride the author shows us through dialogue and other suggestive actions that Corinthians might not really like her family. â€Å"And that lawyer- what's his name? †Ruth looked around at Corinthians, who Ignored her. Why would Corinthians Ignore her mother? Did her mother do something wrong to her? In this chapter I think the author is trying to tell us that Corinthians does not really like her mother but likes her father or maybe she does not really like her father Just fears him enough to respect him.This is shown when Toni Morrison writes †She owns that place, Corinthians,†Ruth said. †I don't care what she owns. I care about what she is. Daddy ? †Corinthians leaned toward her father for confirmation. In that little scene one might say Corinthians Is halting at something but what? During the rest of the car ride Corinthians only tries to make conversation with her father. Empire State Is a very minute character in the first three chapters of the book. Even though he says nothing he comes as one who keeps to himself and could be hiding something. He's presented somewhat like a criminal.He is first introduced to us when Milkman goes looking for Guitar. Toni Morrison says â€Å"All but Empire State, who stood, broom In hand and drop-lipped, with the expression of a very Intelligent ten- year-old. †Why does he not argue about the topic with the others? Is it that he does not care? Maybe it's the fact that he is taking in everything that everyone is saying and using to decide what his next move is. He might be a criminal but nobody would ever guess that because he keeps to himself and acts like he's mute. Way tha t would makes them seem quite influential.We can use the dialogue and behavior of the characters to infer that they play a big role in the plot and might actually help the main character out in the end. Corinthians seems like she knows something nobody else knows, her tone is as if she is trying to tell us something. The way Toni Morrison presents her tells us that Milkman is going to need to find out something, something that could help him move on in the story. Empire State is someone that might be hiding who he really is or hiding something very important that could help Milkman sort out his thoughts about his family and the town in general.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Essay about Freedom of Expression on the Internet
I.Introduction This paper addresses whether we should censor or block access to websites with controversial material. It looks at the issue from several sides: The relevant US laws that are in place, how censorship is used at the university and corporate levels, how other countries are attempting censorship, and finally what I feel about the topic. Given all that I have read in preparing this paper, I have come to the conclusion that without a set of globally-accepted rules, we should not be censoring the Internet except where these rules are being broken. We could perhaps get agreement for those things that are obviously illegal and unethical (child pornography), but what about other areas such as gambling (is it legal but†¦show more content†¦Print media has the least regulation and the most freedom of speech protection.[ii] However, in terms of how freedom of speech applied to the Internet, the government is still struggling to come to grips with what they should or should not try to restrict. One important point to remember is that while the First Amendment is specifically designed to protect offensive or controversial speech (because who needs to protect speech that no one disagrees with?), it does not protect libelous nor obscene material. Obscene material is defined as that which community standards finds offensive.[ii] So one question to consider is, within which community does the Internet live? 2.Communications Decency Act 1996 The Communications Decency Act, as part of a longer Telecommunication Act, basically states that anyone who uses the Internet to make any â€Å"patently offensive as measured by contemporary community standards, sexual or excretory activities or organs†communication to someone under 18 is breaking the law and can be fined or jailed.[iii] Much of the act was struck down in a 1997 Supreme Court decision due to it’s conflict with the First Amendment, although it left standing a section similar to that above but with the â€Å"intent to annoy or harass†. The judges indicated that the Internet should have thoseShow MoreRelatedA Case study on the role of Internet Intermediates in Internet Freedom of Expression1195 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Internet intermediaries refer to numbers of social platforms help in the information transmission process of Internet (OECD, 2011). It is indubitable that Internet intermediaries play an essential role in the free flow of information vie Internet, because those platforms enables users to access, share and create information which implicate the right of freedom of expression. Under the economic motivations, policy principles for Internet intermediary platforms are not just take accountRead MoreFreedom Of Speech Over The Internet1123 Words  | 5 Pages The introduction of the internet has changed the world to a global parish where individuals can communicate instantly regardless of their geographical location. 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