Saturday, August 31, 2019
Capitalism Promotes Greed and Selfishness
Capitalism promotes greed and selfishness In capitalism country, not everybody does things with the purpose related profit. Many people also do something or help somebody because of kindness, but for the most major companies or governments in the Capitalism country, they run with the profit purpose. In this kind of operational system, people tend to be greed and selfishness.Therefore, people in capitalism country being greed and selfishness because of they are in a profit running system; and most capitalism country are developed country, greed is from human nature, then in a specifically environment, it just become bigger; also, revolt is another thread to reflect the oversqueeze from the greed and selfishness level people. Mostly, people in high level, who work for capitalism government or companies, they are work for money. The only purpose to work is make money. Every time they decided to do something or develop some, it means that will bring them profit.Even people not in this wa y from nature, they have to be like this, because they are working in such a system. In Goldstein’s article â€Å"Capitalism moral system, greed cause its failure†, he mentioned â€Å"In fact, one of my biggest fears about entering the business world is being put into a position where I may be asked to compromise my moral integrity and how I would behave under certain pressures?. In another words, if people being too bountiful, they cannot own too much money, everything is a competition, everybody will think themselves during this competition.Greed and selfishness are the natural personality for everybody in the world, when people comment a person whether greed, selfishness or not they just focus how much percentage of this characteristic in his personality. When people in a capitalism system, the characteristics of greed and selfishness seem like put under a microscope. The reason of it is when people in a high level, they have already know and have experience of how useful the money it is, then they never back to the life with less money. People have desire, they want more, and never contented. However, it just like a trend or a flu breeding in capitalism country.When the capitalist desire more, the pressures other people get will become bigger, and when people cannot stand any more, they will against to the capitalist in many different ways. Such as the revolution in Wall Street, people protest in Wall Street, even not show any fear of the policemen. This is a side to reflect capitalist’s greed and selfishness. As what Goldstein illustrated â€Å"Capitalism is a moral system, which has unfortunately been exploited by some immoral people. Acting unethically is counter-productive to a firm's success, but selfish people motivated by short-term gains may ignore this fact. Capitalism in an immoral management causes serious consequence. In conclusion, capitalist most likely look at the profit. For this purpose they are mostly greed and self ish, and they have more desire of money, then they just being more selfish because of covetous. Also, capitalism causes consequences, people cannot always stand the egoistical capitalists, they will revolt. Therefore, capitalism mostly promotes greed and selfishness. http://www. collegiatetimes. com/stories/15078/capitalism-moral-system-greed-causes-its-failure
Friday, August 30, 2019
Macroeconomics Final
Course name: Macroeconomics FINAL 1. The two large macroeconomies I selected are China and the United States. 2a. GDP and GDP growth rate Found on http://www. tradingeconomics. com/Economics/Interest-Rate. aspx? Symbol=CNY ChinaU. S. GDP per capita 2000-94934606 2001-102134518 2002-110634747 2003-120935318 2004-132336272 2005-145237050 2006-161237757 2007-181138138 2008-196338206 2009-NANA China U. S. GDP growth rate (avg) 2000- 7. 684. 15 2001- 7. 451. 08 2002- 8. 051. 83 2003- 9. 432. 48 2004- 9. 503. 58 2005- 10. 083. 08 2006- 10. 982. 65 2007- 12. 082. 13 2008- 9. 130. 43 2009- 7. 63-3. 55 2b. Exchange Rates used http://www. x-rates. com/cgi-bin/hlookup. cgi to find info US Dollar to Chinese Yuan 2000 -1 to 8. 2795 2001 -1 to 8. 2775 2002 -1 to 8. 2766 2003 -1 to 8. 28 2004 -1 to 8. 2767 2005 -1 to 8. 2765 2006 -1 to 8. 0702 2007 -1 to 7. 8051 2008 -1 to 7. 2946 2009 -1 to 6. 8295 2c. Inflation rates Found on http://www. tradingeconomics. com/Economics/Inflation-CPI. aspx? Symbol=USD CHINAUS JAN/DECJAN/DEC 2000- -0. 20/1. 502. 70/3. 40 2001- 1. 20/-0. 303. 70/1. 60 2002- -1. 00/-0. 401. 10/2. 40 2003- 0. 40/3. 202. 60/1. 90 2004- 3. 20/2. 402. 00/3. 30 2005- 1. 90/1. 603. 00/3. 40 2006- 1. 90/2. 04. 00/2. 50 2007- 2. 20/6. 502. 10/4. 10 2008- 7. 10/1. 204. 30/0. 10 2009- 1. 00/NA0. 00/NA 2d. Interest rate on short term government debt Found on http://www. treas. gov/offices/domestic-finance/debt-management/interest-rate/yield_historical_2000. shtml and http://www. tradingeconomics. com/Economics/Interest-Rate. aspx? Symbol=CNY China (JAN at 1 year on all)U. S. (JAN at 1 ye ar on all) 2000 – 5. 856. 09 2001 – 5. 855. 11 2002 – 5. 852. 28 2003 – 5. 311. 42 2004 – 5. 311. 31 2005 – 5. 582. 79 2006 – 5. 584. 38 2007 – 6. 125. 00 2008 – 7. 473. 17 2009 – 5. 310. 40 2e. Unemployment rate Found on http://www. radingeconomics. com/Economics/Unemployment-rate. aspx? Symbol=USD ChinaU. S. (MAR) on all 2000- NA4. 00 2001- NA4. 30 2002- 4. 30 (DEC)5. 70 2003- 4. 10 (MAR)5. 90 2004- 4. 30 (MAR)5. 80 2005- 4. 20 (MAR)5. 20 2006- 4. 20 (MAR)4. 70 2007- 4. 10 (MAR)4. 40 2008- 4. 00 (MAR)5. 10 2009- 4. 30 (MAR)8. 50 2f. Trade deficit Found on http://www. tradingeconomics. com/Economics/Current-Account. aspx? Symbol=USD ChinaU. S. 2000- 20519. 2-417. 4 2001- 22503. 9-398. 3 2002- 49051. 8-459. 2 2003-56995. 2-521. 5 2004- 76124. 5-631. 1 2005- 228081. 8-748. 7 2006-341448. 9-803. 6 2007-534691. 0-726. 6 2008-617825. -706. 1 2009-134459. 9-203. 2 3. Trends in each variable, What do they mean for econo mic conditions in each country? The trends shown in the GDP for China from 2000 to 2009 shows an increase from 949 to 1963, while the United States grows from 34,606 to 38,206. This shows that both countries are increasing which is good, and since the United States is already high, China will show more growth percentage also known as the catch-up effect. This is proven in the GDP growth rates calculated, where China holds a 7 to 12 percent increase, while he United States shows increases of 4 percent to decreases up to 3. 5 percent. Another fact proving China’s growth is their trade deficit. The trade deficit has remained positive and only gotten better over the years, while the United States has always had negative deficits. The exchange rate proves through the years that China is moving to an equilibrium with the United States dollar, but is still lower in the value of their yuan. Some of the credit for achieving this can be contributed to the fact that China maintains lowe r inflation rates than the United States. Other interesting facts is that China’s interest rates on short term debt remain stable while the United States was high in the early 2000s, low in the mid 2000s, and high in the late 2000s, until present at an all time low. China’s job unemployment rate also remains stable while the United States has recently risen quite a bit. 4. Analysis of strengths and weaknesses. My analysis of strengths shows that the United States overall per capita is wealthier than China. The United States currently has no inflation and interest rates are low. Another strength for the United States is that the value of a dollar is significantly higher than the value of a Chinese yuan. Strengths for China show that they are a trade powerhouse. China continues to grow and show improvements in their economy. They are currently undergoing the catch-up effect, and technologically they are advancing daily. Weaknesses show that the United States is struggling in 2009. Unemployment is on ongoing struggle with the economical lows we face. China is still per capita at a much lower GDP than the United States and still has quite a ways to go before their yuan is equal to a dollar. China also has much higher interest rates than the United States. 5. What conclusions can you draw from your analysis. My conclusion that I have drawn from this study is that for the United States, we are still doing well considering the economy today. Having a lower trade deficit than the average over the last ten years, keeping inflation out of the equation, and keeping a solid GDP is key when you are economically well off. My conclusion that I have drawn from this study for China is that they are a work in progress. China continues to grow in a positive direction on all the data I have collected. The per capita for China’s GDP has more than doubled in the past ten years, and the growth rate has been steadily increasing until recent years. The Chinese yuan continues to lower exchange rates. Though interest rates on short term government debt are higher than that of the United States, 2009 shows that it is at the lowest rate it has been in recent years. Unemployment for China has not risen, even with the economy suffering. Lastly for China, trade is continually growing, having risen over six times that of ten years ago! Overall China and the United States together have a lot of positive data to analyze. The United States main concerns over China are to keep unemployment low and trade deficits low as well. Also the United States needs to lower interest rates on short term government debt in order to grow. China’s main concerns should be to lower interest rates and inflation rates, while continuing to grow in GDP and lower exchange rates. Both countries are vital to the overall world economy. China is a leading exporter to the world. The United States is a leading importer to the world. Without trade and the rest of the world, China would have no one to buy their goods and the United States would have no one to buy from so cheaply.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Discussing Improving Umbilical Cord Health Health And Social Care Essay
This chapter deals with the treatment of the consequence of the informations analysis to measure the effectivity of topical application of chest milk versus dry cord attention for bettering umbilical cord wellness position of neonates. The treatment is based on the aims of the survey and the hypothesis specified in the survey. With several demographic features of the sample in the experimental group, bulk of neonates 16 ( 58.3 % ) were males and staying 14 ( 46.7 % ) neonates were females. Majority of female parents 17 ( 56.7 % ) were primiparas and staying 13 ( 43.3 % ) female parents were multiparas. Majority of neonates 18 ( 60 % ) were born between 37-38 hebdomads, 10 ( 33.3 % ) neonates were born between 39-40 hebdomads and staying 2 ( 6.7 % ) neonates were born between 41-42weeks. Majority of neonates 19 ( 63.3 % ) had normal birth weight and staying 11 ( 36.7 % ) neonates had low birth weight. Majority of female parents 24 ( 80 % ) did non had any complications and staying 6 ( 20 % ) female parents had maternal complications like gestation induced high blood pressure and gestational diabetes. Majority of female parents 15 ( 50 % ) had lower segmental cesarean subdivision, 12 ( 40 % ) had normal vaginal bringing and staying 3 ( 10 % ) had forceps bringing. Majority of neonates 19 ( 63.3 % ) had tonss of eight and above and staying 11 ( 36.7 % ) neonates had less than eight mark. In the control group, bulk of neonates 18 ( 60 % ) were females and staying 12 ( 40 % ) neonates were males. 15 ( 50 % ) female parents were para Is and 15 ( 50 % ) female parents were multiparas. Majority of neonates 21 ( 70 % ) were born between 37-38 hebdomads, 6 ( 20 % ) neonates were born between 39-40 hebdomads and staying 3 ( 10 % ) neonates were born between 41-42weeks. Majority of neonates 19 ( 63.3 % ) had normal birth weight and staying 11 ( 36.7 % ) neonates had low birth weight. Majority of female parents 22 ( 73.3 % ) did non had any complications and staying 8 ( 26.7 % ) female parents had maternal complications like gestation induced high blood pressure and gestational diabetes. Majority of female parents 15 ( 50 % ) had lower segmental cesarean subdivision, 12 ( 40 % ) had normal vaginal bringing and staying 3 ( 10 % ) had forceps bringing. Majority of neonates 18 ( 60 % ) had tonss of eight and above and staying 12 ( 40 % ) neonates had less than eight mark.The firs t aim was to measure the effectivity of dry cord attention on umbilical cord wellness position among neonates of control group.Data findings in the tabular array 3 showed the appraisal of umbilical cord wellness position of neonates in dry cord attention group by Modified REEDA graduated table. Regard to umbilical cord wellness position by Modified REEDA Scale, On first twenty-four hours of intercession 90 % neonates had no infection, 10 % of neonates had mild infection and none of them had moderate and terrible infection and on the 7th twenty-four hours of intercession 30 % of neonates had no infection, 33.3 % of neonates had mild infection, 26.7 % of neonates had moderate infection and 10 % of neonates had terrible infection on umbilical cord. Data findings in the tabular array no 4 showed the bacterial colonisation of umbilical cord on 3rd twenty-four hours of intercession. With respect to bacterial colonisation, 10 ( 33.3 % ) neonates had no bacterial growing, 8 ( 26.7 % ) neonates had staphylococcus aureus infection, 7 ( 23.3 % ) neonates had proteus infection and 5 ( 16.7 % ) neonates had klebsiella infection in dry cord attention group neonates. Data findings in the tabular array 5 showed the appraisal of umbilical cord wellness position based on umbilical cord falls off on. Regard to umbilical cord falls off yearss, the average figure of cord falls off yearss in dry cord attention group was 7.7 A ± 1.7 yearss. The above consequence was supported by Shoaeib & A ; Barrawy ( 1990 ) conducted a quasi experimental survey on intoxicant or traditional methods versus natural drying for neonate ‘s cord attention in university infirmaries at Alexendria and Minia. In this survey 70 neonates were selected, which was divided into two groups. Group I newborns standard traditional methods or intoxicant cord attention and Group II received natural drying of the umbilical cord. Culture specimens were obtained from umbilical cord on first and 3rd twenty-four hours of birth to observe bacterial colonisation. Rate of bacterial colonisation was significantly lower in the natural drying cord attention group than intoxicant or traditional methods groups. Average clip of cord separation was shorter in natural drying cord attention group as compared with the intoxicant or traditional methods group.The 2nd aim was to measure the effectivity of topical application of chest milk on umbilical cord wellness posit ion among neonates of experimental group.Data findings in the tabular array 3 showed the appraisal of umbilical cord wellness position of neonates in topical application of chest milk cord attention group by modified REEDA graduated table. Regard to umbilical cord wellness position by modified REEDA Scale, On first twenty-four hours of intercession none of the neonates had infection, likewise on the 7th twenty-four hours of intercession 63.4 neonates did non had infection, 33.3 % of neonates had mild infection, 3.3 % of neonates had moderate infection and no 1 had terrible infection. Data findings in the tabular array 4 showed the bacterial colonisation of umbilical cord on 3rd twenty-four hours of intercession. With respect to bacterial colonisation, 18 ( 60 % ) neonates had no bacterial growing, 5 ( 16.7 % ) neonates had staphylococcus aureus infection, 4 ( 13.3 % ) neonates had proteus infection and 3 ( 10 % ) neonates had klebsiella infection in topical application chest milk cord attention group neonates. Data findings in the tabular array 5 showed the appraisal of umbilical cord wellness position based on umbilical cord falls off on. Regard to umbilical cord falls off yearss, the average figure of cord falls off yearss in breast milk group was 6.3A ± 1.3days. The above consequence was supported by Ezmaeili & A ; Ghazvini ( 2006 ) conducted a randomised clinical test survey on effectivity of topical application of chest milk on bacterial colonisation in umbilical cord in Omolbanin infirmary in Mashhad. In this survey 118 samples were selected which was divided into two groups. Each group 59 neonates were assigned. Group I newborns received dry cord attention. All female parents in both groups were instructed about attention of umbilical cord within three hours of birth. Group II neonates were applied breast milk to the umbilical stump three hours after birth and continued every 12 hourly until two yearss after cord separation. Nothing was applied to the umbilical stump of the dry cord attention group. The research worker were obtained an umbilical swab three hours after birth and the 3rd twenty-four hours of life from the base of the cord. Rate of bacterial colonisation were recorded in both groups. They found out that most common civilize d beings were S.Epidermidis, S.Aureus, E.Coli and Klebsiella Pneumoniae in the umbilical stump and there were important differences between dry cord card and human chest milk groups in colonisation rate. Topical application of breastmilk on umbilical cord leads to cut down bacterial colonisation and cord separation clip and it can be used as easy, inexpensive, non hurt methods for umbilical cord attention.The 3rd aim was to compare the umbilical cord wellness position between the experimental and control group among neonates.Data findings in the tabular array 6 shows the comparing of mean and standard divergence value of topical application of chest milk versus dry cord attention group by modified REEDA graduated table. The above tabular array 6 shows that comparing of mean and standard divergence value of topical application of chest milk versus dry cord attention among experimental and control group. On first twenty-four hours intercession the average value was 0.0 and the standard divergence was 0.0 in the experimental group and the average value was 0.1 and the standard divergence was 0.3 in the control group. On 7th twenty-four hours of intercession the average value was 0.533 and Standard divergence 0.899 in experimental group. In control group mean value was 2.93 and standard divergence was 2.63. The deliberate ‘t ‘ value was 3.247 in the experimental group and 6.011 in the control group, which shows that there was significance difference among the topical application of chest milk and dry cord attention group at P & lt ; 0.001 degree. Table – 7 shows that comparing of bacterial colonisation among experimental and control group on 3rd twenty-four hours of intercession. With respect to bacterial colonisation, per centum difference of no bacterial growing was ( 26.7 % ) , staphylococcus aureus ( 10 % ) , Proteus ( 10 % ) , Klebsiella it was ( 6.7 % ) . The deliberate ‘t ‘ value of no growing of bacterial colonisation was 2.151, staphylococci aureus colonisation was 0.946, proteus colonisation was 1.010 and klebsiella colonisation was 0.767, which shows that there was important difference among the experimental and control group newborns in bacterial colonisation at P & lt ; 0.05 degree. The above tabular array -8 shows that appraisal of cord falls off among experimental and control group. Regard to umbilical cord falls off yearss, the average value of experimental group was 6.3 and 7.7 in control group. The standard divergence of experimental group was 1.3 and in control group was 1.7. The difference of agencies among experimental and control group was 1.4. The deliberate ‘t ‘ value was 3.522, which shows that extremely important difference among the experimental and control groups in cord falls off on yearss at P & lt ; 0.001 degree. Hence, the hypothesis ( RH1 ) stated that there is a important difference in umbilical cord wellness position among the experimental and control group neonates. Thus the hypothesis was accepted. The average figure of cord falls off yearss in experimental group was 6.3 A ± 1.3 yearss and control group was 7.7 A ± 1.7 yearss. The average difference was 1.4 yearss. It was statistically important, so hypothesis ( RH1 ) was accepted. The above consequence was supported by Sezer kiza ( 2006 ) conducted a instance control design on umbilical cord attention: comparing topical human milk, providone I and dry cord attention, in urban university infirmary at Turkey. In this survey 150 samples were selected and it was divided into three groups. Each group had 50 neonates. Group I received breast milk on their umbilical cord, group II received providone I and group III received dry cord attention. This survey shows that the mean cord separation clip of chest milk group was significantly shorter than dry cord attention and providone I group at P & lt ; 0.001 degree. Hence, the research hypothesis ( RH1 ) stated that there is a important difference on umbilical cord wellness position between the experimental and control group. This shows that topical aplication of chest milk on umbilical cord has an effectual than dry cord attention. Thus the hypothesis is acceptedThe 4th aim was to tie in the umbilical cord wellness position of neonates between experimental and control group with their demographic variables.Table 9a shows the chi-square value for the association between the cord wellness position with their sex was ( 0.325 ) , para ( 0.597 ) , gestational age ( 1.239 ) , birth weight ( 0.627 ) , maternal complications during gestation ( 4.342 ) , type of bringing ( 3.095 ) and Apgar mark ( 1.556 ) . So these survey findings shows that there was no association between experimental group with their demographic variables include sex, para gestational age, birth weight, maternal complications during gestation, type of bringing, apgar mark at P & lt ; 0.05 degree. Table 9b shows the chi-square value for the association between the cord wellness position with their sex was ( 6.400 ) , para ( 0.844 ) , gestational age ( 12.738 ) , birth weight ( 3.026 ) , maternal complications during gestation ( 2.784 ) , type of bringing ( 3.701 ) and Apgar mark ( 2.928 ) . So these survey findings shows that there was no association between experimental group with their demographic variables include sex, para gestational age, birth weight, maternal complications during gestation, type of bringing, apgar mark at P & lt ; 0.05 degree. Table 10 ( a ) shows the Chi-square value for the association between bacterial colonisation among experimental group with their sex was ( 2.299 ) , para ( 6.606 ) , gestational age ( 4.456 ) , birth weight ( 1.507 ) , maternal complications during gestation ( 2.708 ) , type of bringing ( 9.361 ) and Apgar mark ( 0.311 ) . So these survey findings shows that there was no association between experimental group with their demographic variables include sex, para gestational age, birth weight, maternal complications during gestation, type of bringing, apgar mark at P & lt ; 0.05 degree. Table 10 ( B ) shows the Chi-square value for the association between bacterial colonisation among control group with their sex was ( 3.274 ) , para ( 7.586 ) , gestational age ( 3.480 ) , birth weight ( 1.948 ) , maternal complications during gestation ( 2.752 ) , type of bringing ( 4.341 ) and Apgar mark ( 5.714 ) . So these survey findings shows that there was no association between experimental group with their demographic variables include sex, para gestational age, birth weight, maternal complications during gestation, type of bringing, apgar mark at P & lt ; 0.05 degree. Table 11 ( a ) shows the Chi-square value for the association between umbilical cord falls off among experimental group with their sex was ( 3.519 ) , para ( 4.455 ) , gestational age ( 0.795 ) , birth weight ( 0.895 ) , maternal complications during gestation ( 0.170 ) , type of bringing ( 2.813 ) and Apgar mark ( 0.003 ) . So these survey findings shows that there was association among para and umbilical cord falls off. No association between experimental group with other demographic variables include sex, gestational age, birth weight, maternal complications during gestation, type of bringing, apgar mark at P & lt ; 0.05 degree Table 11 ( B ) shows the Chi-square value for the association between umbilical cord falls off among control group with their sex was ( 0.089 ) , para ( 0.4641 ) , gestational age ( 3.597 ) , birth weight ( 0.741 ) , maternal complications during gestation ( 1.099 ) , type of bringing ( 3.817 ) and Apgar mark ( 1.094 ) . So these survey findings shows that there was no association between experimental group with their demographic variables include sex, para, gestational age, birth weight, maternal complications during gestation, type of bringing, apgar mark at P & lt ; 0.05 degree The demographic variables ( Sex, Parity, gestational age, birth weight, maternal complications during gestation, type of bringing, apgar mark ) of both groups were non holding any association and therefore they were non confounded with the umbilical cord attention. Hence, the research hypothesis ( RH2 ) stated that there is a important association between umbilical cord wellness position between the experimental and control group with their demographic variables ( Sex, Parity, gestational age, birth weight, maternal complications during gestation, type of bringing, apgar mark ) . Tables 9 ( a, B ) , 9 ( B ) , 10 ( a, B ) , 11 ( a, B ) , shows that there was no important association between that umbilical cord wellness position between experimental and control group with the selected demographic variables. Table 9a, showed that there was important association between para and umbilical cord falls off yearss in experimental group. Newborns of para I female parents had lengthier yearss of cord falls off than the neonates of multipara female parents. But, in regard to dry cord attention group there was no association between the cord falls off twenty-four hours with para. From the above analysis and readings, the hypothesis ( H1 ) â€Å" There is a important difference in cord wellness position between the experimental and control group neonates †was accepted. The above credence of ( H1 ) were attributed to the effectivity of topical application chest milk for bettering umbilical cord wellness position of neonates. The hypothesis ( H2 ) â€Å" There is a important association in cord wellness position between the experimental and control group with the demographic variables †. In this survey there will be no important association between experimental and control group except para.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Developing Management Skills Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Developing Management Skills - Assignment Example The management style may end up frustrating the manager’s efforts in relation to deriving support from employees. Psychological resiliency is the ability to endure psychological risk factors/ stressors without exhibiting psychological dysfunction (such as post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD). On the other hand, social resiliency is the ability to withstand stressors that emanate from the social and environmental spheres. In addition, social resilience is an analytical framework that emanates from the concept of social vulnerability whereas psychological resilience emanates from psychological stressors. Individuals can manage personal stress from the work-life balance by adopting the analytical framework that forms the foundations of social resiliency. The work-life balance entails the coping, adaptive, and transformative capacities that represent social resilience. Stress levels are significantly reduced when the work-life balance is approached with the three ‘pillars’ of social resiliency. Psychological resiliency is the best possible mechanism to respond to an experience of personal failure. For example, an individual may set performance benchmarks in his or her area of expertise. Such benchmarks could be accompanied by rewards. The benchmarks and rewards would act as intrinsic and extrinsic motivators of success in an attempt to erase the previous experience of personal failure. The analytical problem-solving approach commences with defining the problem. This step involves differentiating objective and subjective opinions while specifying the underlying causes of the problem. It is at this step that all the relevant parties are tapped for information to identify whose problem it is. In addition, this step avoids ambiguity on how the problem is presented. On the other hand, the creative problem-solving approach commences with preparation. This stage is simple and is limited by scope.Â
Chapter # 7 Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Chapter # 7 Presentation - Essay Example Department of Health and Human Services should; establish a three-tier structure model based on financial risk by ACO: link payment concept to ACO qualification levels: provision of Medicare and insurance with at least one ACO: assign Medicare to patients who have no provider (hospital). Currently, physicians lack elements to participate in level II and level III ACO. It is recommended to have; private sector, professional association and CMC Quality Improvement Organization (QIOs) which should provide administrative governance and technical assistance. The office of the national coordinator should provide funds to ACOs with implementing electronic health records (Harrington, 380). CMC should pay the providers for coordination, prevention of diseases and protection of people’s health. Changes may be required to facilitate innovation in payment, incentive, ACO formation, laws and policies in major five major areas. The healthcare system changes will not benefit all providers, but it will meet the demand of the increased population. The reform focuses on rewarding providers on the delivery of quality services to patients. ACO focuses on addressing defects in organizations and payment health care. ACO also provides encouragement to create a feeling of union by general patients as opposed to discrete entities. The two main essential features of ACO are; first, designate accountable provider entities that share collective responsibilities for treating grouped patients. The second feature is the performance measurement and new payment method where each provider’s payment is to be based on care (Gold and Felt, 2008). ACOs raise concerns of health care delivery in the United States. ACOs proposal focuses on grouping of patients for providers to work together closely to improve the quality performance measures. From past experiences, the ACOs have learnt that providers are a vital, and changes are tied to providers. Areas to be improved for
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Case study week5 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Week5 - Case Study Example This is a person who fits perfectly in the multifaceted requirements. Many of the job candidates might have the right education and experience but lack an innovative attitude or even experience. Therefore, the tech companies are looking for a person who meets all these requirements. This is to ensure that they remain competitive in the market. This aspect is also relevant to other non-tech companies. This is because it ensures that the business remains competitive in the market (Anders, 2011). As a way of spotting talent, I would suggest that the company puts up an innovation contest. The selected candidates would be given an opportunity to develop something new which is not in existence in the market. This will enable the panel to assess the creativity of the candidates selected. Based on the results, it would be easy to select the best employee who will fit in the organization. In addition, it would enable the organization to note whether those with education qualification are also creative or
Monday, August 26, 2019
Office Elegance E-business Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Office Elegance E-business Plan - Assignment Example Year 1 period of OfficeElegance clothing line will be made of great design, high-value fabrics, elegant styles that have not been seen in the market before. OfficeElegance elegance will no longer be a one-city business but will be able to reach young men and women from most cities in America who are in search of elegant and unique office wear and shoes. This is attributed to the huge advancements and developments in internet technology as well as in radio programming and cable television of the last decade. The expectations of customers and their demand for products that represent the rapidly changing fashion industry have been increased as result of these huge advancements telecommunications technology. The owners of and mangers of OfficeElegance have a lot of experience in the fashion industry, particularly in the outdoor apparel industry. In fact, for the past four years, they have been involved in the design of office wear, both men, and women clothes, and are thus very apprised of the current fashion trends and consumers preferences and tastes. One thing that sets OfficeElegance and other clothing e-commerce websites that deal in men and women clothing that it only deals, specifically in office wear and shoes, for both men and women aged between 18 and 24 years old. Additionally, OfficeElegance will not maintain clothing inventory and thus will work in contract with Ted Clothing Company located in Boston, Massachusetts, which will produce and deliver/ship all the garments for office elegance. Additionally, OfficeElegance will also work in contract with Lambretta Shoes Company, also based in Boston, Massachusetts, which will produce and deliver/ship all the shoes for Office Elega nce.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Apple Services and iOS Systems Information Sharing Dissertation
Apple Services and iOS Systems Information Sharing - Dissertation Example The literature review chapter stated the pros and cons of the information sharing system along with highlighting the loopholes in the iOS and problems faced by users. It was found that third parties applications along with insiders and hackers play an important and significant role in leaking private and confidential information that often affects the privacy of users. It was also found that the majority of users do not have an idea over the breach of security and its implications that can be considered as a major issue. The research methodology chapter presented an overview of different elements of the methodology along with justifying the overall preference in a logical manner. The chapter also offered the importance of each element in terms of accomplishing the proposed research objectives. The findings and analysis chapter revealed that majority of the interviewed participants believed that, breach of security happens mainly because of the use of WiFi, sharing of ID, and access o f information by the insiders of the company, and by the attack of hackers. It was also found that not many were aware of safeguarding their privacy and security and was assumed as a major issue. ... ionale for the Research Topic 7 1.7 Scope of the Research 7 1.8: Proposed Methodology 7 1.9: Outline of the Dissertation 8 1.10: Summary 9 Section 2.0 Literature Review 10 2.1 Introduction 10 2.2 Information Sharing System 10 2.3 Benefits of Information Sharing System 12 2.4 Challenges of Information Sharing 14 2.5 Apple’s Breach of Security 16 2.6: Summary 21 Section 3.0 Research Methodology 22 3.1 Introduction 22 3.2 Research Philosophy 22 3.3 Research Approach 23 3.4 Research Design 23 3.5 Data Collection Methods 24 3.6 Sampling 24 3.7. Ethical Considerations 25 3.7: Strengths and Limitations of the Methodology 25 3.8: Summary 25 Section 4.0 Findings and Analysis 26 4.1 Introduction 26 4.2 Critical Analysis of Interviews 27 4.3: Summary 35 Section 5 Conclusion and Recommendations 36 5.1 Introduction 36 5.2: Conclusion 36 5.3: Recommendations for IOS System and Information Sharing 41 5.4: Recommendations for Future Research 41 5.5: Summary 42 BIBLIOGRAPHY 43 CHAPTER-1: INTRO DUCTION 1.1: Introduction In today’s world, business, and society is driven by the use of technologies that often shape human minds and activities in a significant manner. With the advent of computers, human beings were exposed to numerous opportunities making their life simple. With the introduction of Smartphones, it became all the more easy to get connected to anyone in any part of the world along with doing wide arrays of works like playing games, listening to games, checking emails, making business presentation, and sharing and receiving information through social media, GPS, and GPRS (Browning, 2000). All these things have made life simple yet a bit complicated in many ways.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Assignment
Quantitative and Qualitative Research - Assignment Example It examines the experience of individuals delivering and receiving nursing care. The methods used to carry out qualitative research are case studies, interviews, ethnography and focus groups. On the other hand, quantitative study mainly focuses on measurable client outcomes and mainly uses statistics. However, bias is encountered when carrying out nursing research. When conducting a quantitative research, there are two main types of bias that may be encountered: random and systematic bias. Random bias takes place when a researcher assumes particular data. This happens wherebys the assumption made is not a precise representation of what is in the research. An example of a random bias is food diaries. Food diaries are inaccurate because people tend to over represent or under represent food consumption. However, this bias can be avoided by taking photographs of every study (Campbell & Campbell, 2006). On the other hand, systematic bias is a bit different. According to a study conducted by Dr. Colin Campbell, he stated that there were defects in the consumption of animal protein. However, Minger (2011) carried out a research on the same topic as Campbell and stated that the consumption of proteins and other foods was positively correlated. Systematic bias can be prevented by multiple null-hypothesis, re-utilization and utilization based on ongoing collection of data. All data should also be represented irrespective of the nature. There are various types of bias, which are associated with qualitative research. This bias’ can be experienced during the pre-trial, the clinical trial and after a trial. Examples of bias encountered during pre-trial stage may be as a result of study design, selection and channeling. There are other subtypes of bias which occur during the clinical trial. They include interviewer bias, transfer bias, recall bias and chronology bias. Bias after a trial may involve confounding and citation bias. When conducting a nursing research, bias
Friday, August 23, 2019
Wuthering Heights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Wuthering Heights - Essay Example Nelly Dean is the housekeeper in Thrushcross Grange and she is a close friend to Lockwood. Lockwood is curious and, thus, he asks Nelly to narrate to him the strange stories about Wuthering Heights and its dwellers. Nelly is in the best position to tell the story about the house and its past dwellers since she has been serving as a servant to a strange family residing in Wuthering Heights (Bronte 7). Her employer, Mr. Earnshaw, has a wife and two children, Hindley and Catherine. Mr. Earnshaw adopts a black son, Heathcliff, while he is travelling to Liverpool. The rest of his family finds it hard to accept Heathcliff. The family members hate him and they really mistreat him in the first few months that he lives with them. After sometime, Catherine grows fond of Heathcliff and their bond gets stronger with time. Hindley, on the other hand, still harbours detest towards Heathcliff. In a sad turn of events, Earnshaw’s wife passes away. Hindley’s cruelty towards Heathcliff c ontinues and his father finds himself loving the adopted son more than his cruel real son. He sends the spoilt son to college to give Heathcliff a conducive environment (Bronte 41). When Mr. Earnshaw passes away, his real son who is the heir of this father’s property returns to take over the Wuthering Height property (Bronte 87). He is married to Frances and together they treat Heathcliff as their slave. Later, when Heathcliff and Catherine are on their fun chasing errands in Thrushcross Grange, Catherine is forced to stay in the house for several weeks to recuperate from a dog bite. During the time that she stays in Thrushcross Grange, Catherine falls for Edgar. Hindley’s wife dies shortly after she gives birth to a son and this causes him to lose his sense of humanity. He buries his sorrows in alcohol and he gets crueler towards Heathcliff. After Catherine’s engagement to Edgar, Heathcliff elopes only to return home to find that Catherine has already married E dgar despite the fact that she was still deeply in love with Heathcliff. Heathcliff accumulates a hefty amount of money while he is away from Wuthering Height and when he comes back he embarks on a revenge mission on his enemies. He lures Hindley into getting into heavy debts and later he dies leaving the property to him. Marrying Isabella Linton places Heathcliff in a position to later inherit Thrushcross Grange. Catherine gives birth to a baby girl and succumbs to her long illness. Heathcliff’s obsession with Catherine turns him into a weird person. He starts urging Catherine spirit to stick with him. Catherine’s daughter is named after her and Nelly acts as her caregiver. Heathcliff later reunites with his son Linton, who he treats very badly. Linton and young Catherine start a romance story secretly. Heathcliff pushes his son to pursue Catherine so that he can be the rightful heir of Thrushcross Grange which will serve as revenge on Edgar. Heathcliff manages to lur e Linton into marrying Catherine and when Edgar and Linton die, he takes over the two houses (Bronte 202). The story from Nelly disgusts Lockwood and he leaves for London only to visit Thrushcross Grange six months later. Nelly continues with the story. Catherine falls in love with Hareton as Heathcliff loses his mind over Catherine. He starts seeing her ghost and he passes away with his sorrow. Meanwhile, Catherine and Hareton plan their marriage after they inherit Wuthering Height and Thrushcross Grange. After the narration by Nelly, Lockwood decides to visit Catherine and Heathcliff’s graves (Bronte 712). Review Wuthering Heights clearly depicts a clear picture of social class differences and the class
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Media Racism, Sexism, and Stereotyping Essay Example for Free
Media Racism, Sexism, and Stereotyping Essay His wife constantly has to tell him how to take care of the kids. His children outsmart him and are shown to be out of control at times. On the other hand, the middle class family has a calm, brilliant child. He constantly has to give the working class dad guidance in his day to day decision making. The working class dad is represented as a failure at life, at supporting his family, and the main element highlighted in his role is how stupid he is. The middle class dad is always the calmer one, he takes care of everything whenever a crisis arises, he teaches his kids manners, and is shown as a loving husband. I cannot find any examples of middle class men that are portrayed in the same demeaning way as working class men. Butsch’s piece discusses how inferior statuses are represented by using negative stereotypes of minorities, women, old, and young. These stereotypes are placed into character roles. The problem with this is that viewers are not consciously thinking about the negative images they are watching and the ways in which it affects their view of the depicted group. Think of children and teens watching shows with such inaccurate representations. They start believing and connecting these made up characters with how the real world works. If blondes or black people are portrayed on television as dumb then teens will assume that all people belonging to this category are of inferior intelligence. Butsch also mentions that television can devalue higher status characters by making them have opposite characteristics. He gives example like men acting feminine and adults acting childish. They often will use this strategy when showing a person with contradicting status positions and the lower status characteristic will overshadow the high status characteristic. This is greatly degrading to both sides. For instance, a man in real life that is very feminine will be thought of as a less than for demonstrating characteristics associated with femininity. This sends the message that acting like a woman is a horrible thing to do because women are the lesser gender. The reading was extremely interesting because you can think of numerous examples in our day to day life of stereotyping and character roles. It is frightening how racist and prejudice these shows can be. With the documented impact that advertising has on our culture, we realize how significant the portrayals of different minority groups in advertising can be. In the case of Native Americans, American advertising has a long tradition of exploiting their image and names in order to sell goods. This commodification and corruption of their names and images leads to distorted views of Native Americans by not only other populations, but by Native Americans themselves. Native Americans â€Å"must†act or look a certain way in order to be â€Å"true†Native Americans. Merskin stated, â€Å"Racial and ethnic images, part of American advertising for more than a century, were created in â€Å"less enlightened times†but have become part of American popular culture and thought and persist to this day†(Merskin, 2001, p. 480). The image that has emerged of Native Americans is â€Å"always alien to white†and, thus, seen as not fully human (Merskin, 2001). As Merskin (2001) wrote in her article, we have, to a great extent, become desensitized to the use of Native American imagery and names in advertising. So much so, that we often do not realize how prevalent this practice still is. I know that I am guilty of this as well. When I first read Merskin’s article I thought she was referencing advertising of the past. Then I opened an old issue of Glamour magazine and found a full color, two-page advertisement for American Spirit cigarettes with its use of an American Indian in headdress in its branding. As I looked at the advertisement with disbelief, I glanced at the bottled water I was drinking from; the bottled water company was Arrowhead. There is certainly something to this notion of Native American imagery playing a negative role in advertising today. Reference Section Butsch, R. (2005). Five Decades and Three Hundred Sitcoms about Class and Gender. The Social Construction of Difference amp; Inequality: Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality. Merskin, D. (2001). Winnebagos, Cherokees, Apaches, and Dakotas: The persistence of stereotyping of American Indians in American advertising brands. The Social Construction of Difference amp; Inequality: Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Scarlet Letter - Thesis Essay Example for Free
The Scarlet Letter Thesis Essay One main theme present in the work The Scarlet Lette is that of sin and guilt. Nathaniel Hawthorne attempts to show how guilt can be a form of everlasting punishment. The book represents sin and guilt through symbolism and character development. In his novel, The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne explains how the punishment of guilt causes the most suffering among those affected. As with any piece, symbolism plays an important role in representing the main ideas of a novel. The plot in The Scarlet Letter revolves around three significant events that describe the development of the story. As both starting point and ending point of the novel, the scaffold scenes hold symbolic meaning. The first scaffold scene introduces the reader to the story, plot, and characters. The reader meets Hester Prynn and soon discovers the means of her sin. Hesters thoughts as she stands before the public are described at the end of the second chapter. Could it be true? She clutched the child so fiercely to her breast, that it sent forth a cry; she turned her eyes downward at the scarlet letter, and even touched it with her finger, to assure herself that the infant and the shame were real. Yes! -these were her realities, -all else had vanished! (Hawthorne, 55). At this point, Hester is still quite ashamed of her sin of adultery, and may not want to acknowledge the reality of it. As Hester is accused of her crime, the first scaffold scene represents committing and being accused of a sin. By the time the second scaffold scene approaches, seven years later, the reader should know that Hesters partner in crime is the minister Arthur Dimmesdale. Thus far in the novel, Dimmesdale has kept his sin a secret from society. During the second scaffold scene, Reverend Dimmesdale ventured out in the night to the scaffold in seek of forgiveness from God. He hoped to reveal himself to the public, however No eye could see him, save that ever-wakeful one which had seen him in his closet, wielding the bloody scourge. Why, then, had he come hither? (129) Resulting with the burden of guilt still upon his soul, his sin is not revealed which is why the second scaffold scene represents concealment of sin. Just as the book opened at the scaffold, it closes there as well. The third and final scaffold scene involves the primary characters from both the first and second scaffold scenes. All three of these characters, Hester, her child Pearl, and Dimmesdale stand together at the scaffold. This is the point in the novel where the minister finally wishes to reveal his sin. Concealing his sin for so long had caused him to deteriorate both mentally and physically, so just as Dimmesdale confessed, his life was taken from him. The third scaffold scene represents revealing and repenting sin. Some say that Nathaniel Hawthorne named the characters of his novel with symbolic meaning behind them. Each of the four main characters names can be tied in one way or another to sin and guilt. First, there is the character Hester Prynn. Her last name, Prynn, rhymes with the word sin, which is used to represent her role in the novel. Next, there is Dimmesdale. Simply the mere sound of the name in itself gives the impression of someone dim, dark, or weak; perhaps this way from suffering guilt. Then there is Chillingworth. Again, the sound of the name gives the reader a sense that the character has a cold heart; which is sinful alone. And lastly, little Pearl. Rather than representing the evils of sin, her name means salvation, and can be represented as the salvation of sin. The characters alone play a symbolic role in expressing the main theme. (, Symbolism) Nathaniel Hawthorne attempts to show how guilt can be a form of everlasting punishment by showing how each character endures much suffering from it. Hester Prynne, the main character in the novel, suffers a variety of types of punishment for the crime of adultery she committed. She faces such punishment as public humiliation from wearing the symbol A as to represent her crime, dealing with the physical outcome of her crime, and most painful, having to live with what she had done. As the book opens, Hester is brought forth from the jail and walked to the scaffold. For the first time being seen in public named an adulterer, Hester shies from the public as they mock her. However, She never battled with the public, but submitted uncomplainingly to its worst usage; she made no claim upon it, in requital for what she suffered; she did not weight upon its sympathies. (Hawthorne 140). Soon, it did not matter what other people thought of Hester because of her sin. She chose not to live with the humiliation, but she did have to live with herself. Having to deal with her daughter Pearl day in and day out is a punishment in itself as well. Most people, including Hester, view Peal as a demon child. However, Hester hesitates to punish Pearl for being so. She feels guilty as it is, placing a burden on Pearls life, for Peal is branded as the child of an adulterer, all of this resulting from Hesters passionate sin. (Guilt as Reparation for Sin, paragraph 14). The minister Dimmesdale is greatly affected by the weight of guilt he carries with him everyday of his proceeding life. Since his sin is unknown to society, there is not a public crowd to look down upon him, but one Roger Chillingworth who lives just to torture Dimmesdale. He wishes and prays most often that the public know of his wrong, rather than hold it secret, as it would be less painful. Happy are you, Hester, that wear that scarlet letter openly upon your bosom! Mine burns in secret!! (Hawthorne 182). Fear, is in fact, the only reason Dimmesdale fails to confess himself. He feels guilty for not being able to be a father figure to Pearl, for letting Hester suffer on her own, and, of course, just for his own sinful actions. In the end, it is the guilt that kills him, not any public humiliation. One may look at Roger Chillingworth, Hesters husband, and see no guilt within him. Truthfully, Chillingworth is a cold-hearted soul. He does, however, have some guilt. Chillingworth, indeed, feels a bit guilty for marrying Hester in the first place. He and Hester both knew they did not love each other, but decided to marry anyway. Chillingworth might have known something like what Hester did would have happened eventually. After all, Chillingworth was much too old and unattractive for a young woman like Hester to feel anything worth making the relationship work. Even though it was out of his hands, Chillingworth also feels a bit bad about leaving Hester as he did for so long. He may feel that he could have been a catalyst in what happened, however, Chillingworth was not about to let others who contributed to it run away freely. This explains his excuse for becoming a fiend. He may feel guilty for becoming so evil, however, he blames it on Hester and Dimmesdales actions, and does not feel he should change his ways. I have already told thee what I am! A fiend! Who made me so?' (Hawthorne 151) He felt less guilt than the other characters, however, he was the one who caused the most misery. Although Pearl, Hesters daughter, does not directly suffer such guilt because she is the only innocent character in the novel, she does suffer from her mothers guilt and sinful actions. Because Pearl is dubbed an evil being as an illegitimate child, she suffers much public ridicule and humiliation. She also receives the blame for Hesters past seven years of suffering guilt. During the scene in A Flood of Sunshine, when Hester throws the A into the river, she also symbolically throws away Pearl, thus rejecting and blaming her own child. Each of the four main characters, in their own forms, has and must suffer from a form of guilt. Since Hester and Dimmesdale are the only characters that committed the sin the book revolves around, they are the ones who suffer most of the guilt. Guilt is a painful reminder of sin. The other punishments both characters had to face were painful, but in the end, all they did was make them feel further guilt and suffer further pain. The only thing other punishments bring out is the inner guilt of a person, if they are worthy enough to realize their wrong. Only the man who has enough good in him to feel the justice of the penalty can be punished; the other can only be hurt.' (Punishment Quote, paragraph 1). There are two characters in the novel who are worthy enough to be punished: Hester and Dimmesdale. On the other side of the spectrum, there is Chillingworth. He does not see the wrong in his sin of torturing Dimmesdale. Hester Prynne immediately feels guilty for what she had done. If anything, shed wish to take it back, as if it had never happened. Such the same with Arthur Dimmesdale. He was not only suffering from guilt of his sin, but also was becoming a very hypocritical reverend, the last thing he may have wanted. It is quite evident that the guilt eventually drove him mad to the point of self-mutilation, because as the reader knows, in the end of the novel, Dimmesdale dies from his guilt. If you are not worthy, you cannot feel sorry for what you have done, as the case with Roger Chillingwroth. He felt it was he duty to torture the reverend Dimmesdale. He was, nonetheless, hurt by it. He had dedicated the remainder of his life to making Dimmesdale suffer, so when Dimmesdale died, so did Chillingworth shortly following. Sin is represented in many ways throughout the novel. Because of the sins the characters have committed, they had to be punished for their actions. Letting them suffer with their own guilt is the best way of going about the matter. With this, the character is forced to live with what they did. Because both Hester and Dimmesdale saw their wrongs, guilt, for them, was effective. It just goes to show the pain the characters suffer. In his novel, The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne explains how the punishment of guilt causes the most suffering among those affected. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Guilt as Reparation for Sin in The Scarlet Letter. []. Feb. 2004. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter. New York: Penguin Books, 1962. Punishment Quote. []. Feb. 2004. Stephanie. Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter. []. Feb. 2004.
The Rise Of Melaka
The Rise Of Melaka IN 1511,despite the brave efforts of its defenders the last defences of Malacca was overwhelmed in the face of a fierce and sustained Portuguese invasion.Sultan Mahmud and his remaining fighting men were finally forced to abandon the city and retreated to Pahang before moving to Johor where his descendents founded the Sultanate Of Johore which lasted into 1914 . The fall of Malacca to the Portuguese brought to an end more than a hundred years of Malay rule. At its height, the sultanate was one of the worlds busiest emporia, attracting ships from the Middle-East, India, China, the Ryukyu, and the surrounding islands of the Archipelago. During the period, Malay wealth and power dominated the region. It was also an influential Islamic centre.It was an international enterport of its day the same way Singapore is to us today. Scholars generally agree that the fall of the Malacca sultanate marked a turning point in Malaysian and world history. But they disagree as to the nature of that importance. Many Western writers portray the fall of Malacca as ushering in a new political and economic order in Malaysia and South-East Asia, one dominated by the West. Others, including Asian scholars, dispute this. They insist that the Portuguese Empire was really a commercial enterprise based on a series of strategically-located fortified posts. The Portuguese were never able to impose an influence in the way the Malacca sultanate once did. Within the sphere of power in the Straits of Malacca, the Portuguese were only one of them.And unlike the Malacca Empire did not expand its influence beyond the City of Malacca. From the Western perspective, the success of the Portuguese in Asia was of epoch making importance. The capture of Malacca was the highlight of nearly a hundred years of Portuguese exploration. Prior to this, Western traders had travelled overland to reach China. But it was only in 1498 that a Portuguese fleet under Vasco da Gama finally rounded the Cape of Good Hope and arrived at the Malabar Coast of India. For the first time, a Western fleet from Europe had reached Asia. Adam Smith, in his classic Wealth of Nations, declared this as one of the two great events recorded in human history. The other, according to him, was the discovery of The New World(America) For a long time Europe had searched for a sea route to China and the East. But what motivated countries such as Portugal and Spain to undertake early explorations and to seek territorial expansion? Portugal was then only a small and poor country of about a estimated 1 million people. A mixture of motives such as scientific curiosity, adventure, profits, and religious zeal explains the support given by the state in the early Portuguese and Spanish explorations. One of the earliest patrons was Prince Henry of the Portuguese ruling house and he was keenly interested in science and geography. But perhaps the overriding factor was that there were profits to be made in the trade of spices. During the Crusades from the 11th to the 13th century, Christian knights and pilgrims had acquired the tastes of the Mediterranean, including spices. Spices then meant Eastern luxuries but pepper, nutmeg, clovers, and cinnamon were the more highly sought. These various spices soon became essential for food preservation and preparation in the pre-refrigeration era of Europe. But the spice trade was controlled by Arabs and Indian Muslims who dominated the Indian Ocean. Europe could only obtain pepper and cinnamon through the middlemen merchants of Genoa and Venice. Religious zeal was also behind the attempt to weaken Arab and Indian Muslim control of the spice trade. To this could be added the evangelical hope to bring the gospel to non-Christian lands. But the Portuguese had very little navigational knowledge to get to Asia. Furthermore, the Muslims controlled long stretches of the waters. Some explorers decided to try a different route. Hence, six years before Da Gamas voyage, Christopher Columbus sailed westward, believing this to be a shorter and easier way to Asia. Instead, he reached America. It took several exploratory voyages down the west coast of Africa before Da Gama finally made it to India. If immediate returns were to be measured, then the expedition had really little to show. The trip had lasted more than two years and, of the original crew of 170, only 54 survived. The glass beads, trinkets and textiles brought to Calicut, India, by the Portuguese found no demand. On its way back, Da Gamas mission resorted to seizing a cargo of spices from a small Muslim ship. From a wider view, Da Gamas expedition must also be seen as really a modest maritime feat compared to Arab seamen who had been circumnavigating Africa for centuries before him. Arabs traded over long distances stretching from ports of the Mediterranean through to India and to China. By the time of Chinas Tang dynasty, there was a large community of Muslim merchants in Guangzhou (Khanfu to the Arabs). Detailed Arab navigational manuals such as by Ibn Majid provided sailing information from Africa to China. Likewise, Chinese ships had by the 9th century been trading regularly at Quilon, a port just south of Calicut. The use of the compass and advances in ship technology helped Chinese overseas trade. More than a hundred years before Da Gama, Admiral Zheng He (Cheng Ho) led a Ming fleet of 62 large ships that called on rulers in the South-East Asian region. In the next few years, the Ming emperors sent out six more expeditions. One of these led by Admiral Zheng He reached the east African ports of Malindi and Mogadishu as well as Aden and Hormuz in the Arabian Sea-Persian Gulf area. For Western scholars, Da Gamas expedition defined the beginning of a new epoch in world history. For over a thousand years, Europe had been on the defensive, having to fight off the Islamic and then the Mongol threats. According to British historian Eric Hobsbawm, Europe after Vasco da Gama took a more assertive international role and over the next 500 years gained hegemonic influence over most parts of Asia. The Portuguese first, and then the Spaniards, the Dutch, the British, and the French carved out empires. It was under two viceroys, Francisco de Almeida (1505-09) and Afonso dAlbuquerque (1509-15) that Portugals Asian empire, the Estado da India, was created. DAlbuquerque personally led naval campaigns to seize strategic points along the major trade routes. Goa was captured in 1510, Malacca in 1511, and Hormuz at the entrance of the Persian Gulf in 1515. The Portuguese took over Malacca but the city never regained the prosperity and the power that was seen during the sultanate period. Once Malacca was no longer ruled by Malays, it lost the daulat, or legitimacy, to command tributes and trade from the surrounding states. Where there was one dominant emporium in the Straits of Malacca in the 15th century, by the turn of the 16th there were several. The Portuguese presence survived largely by allying itself with one or several of the local states. From the local historians point of view, the fall of Malacca had at least three other major impacts on the immediate course of South-East Asian history. Firstly, the shift of Muslims merchants from Malacca contributed to the rise of Aceh. New commercial prosperity and political power strengthened Acehs claim to being the new Islamic centre in the Straits. Aceh, at the height of its power in the 16th and 17th centuries, conquered most of north Sumatra and extended influence over the Peninsular west coast states. The Acheh push to the coast states were anyway interrupted by The Portuguese Empire The Johore Empire which after the fall of Malacca took control of most of the Malacca former Vassal states such as Pahang,Perak,Terengganu and Temasik(Singapore).The three powers continued to struggle with each other for control of the Malacca straits trade on into the 18th century. The Sultanate of Melaka or Malacca Sultanate (Malay: Kesultanan Melayu Melaka) was a Malay sultanatecentered in the nowadays state of Melaka, Malaysia. Traditional historical treatise marks circa 1400 as the founding year of the sultanate by a traitor Malay Raja of Singapura, Iskandar Shah, who was also known in certain accounts as Parameswara. The view however is being compete by a new historical contract that place the founding year in circa 1262. At the height of the sultanates influence in the 15th century, its capital grew into one of the most important entrepots of its time, with domain covering much of the Malay peninsula, Riau Islands and a significant portion of the east coast of Sumatra. As a noisy international trading harbor, Melaka appeared as a center for Islamic tutorial and dissemination, and encouraged the development of the Malay language, literature and arts. It heralded the golden age of Malay sultanates in the archipelago, in which Classical Malay became the lingua franca of the Maritime Southeast Asia and Jawi script became the primary medium for historical, religious and intellectual exchange. It is through these intellectual, spiritual and cultural developments, the Melakan era witnessed the enculturation of a Malay status, the Malayisation of the region and the subsequent formation of an Alam Melayu. In 1511, the capital of Melaka fell to the Portuguese Empire, forcing the last Sultan, Mahmud Shah (r. 1488-1511), to decline to the further reaches of his empire, where his progeny established new ruling dynasties, Johor and Perak. The legacy of the sultanate remained, with significance lies in its far-reaching political and cultural legacy, which, arguably, continues to be felt in modern times. For centuries, Melaka has been held up as an exemplar of Malay-Muslim civilization. It established systems of trade, diplomacy, and governance that persisted well into the 19th century, and introduced concepts such as daulat- a distinctly Malay notion of sovereignty that continues to shape of a new generation understanding of Malay kingship. Before the arrival of the first Sultan, Malacca was a fishing village to live by local Malays. Malacca was founded by Parameswara, also known as Iskandar Shah or Sri Majara, the last Raja of Singapura (present day Singapore) following a Majapahit attack in 1377. He found his way to Malacca around 1400 where he found a good port-it was accessible in all seasons and on the strategically located small point of the Malacca Straits. According to a popular legend, Parameswara was resting under a tree near a river while hunting, when one of his dogs cornered a mouse deer. In self-defence, the mouse deer pushed the dog into the river. Impressed by the courage of the deer, and taking it as a propitious omen of the weak overcoming the powerful, Parameswara decided on the spot to found an empire on that very spot. He named it Melaka after the tree under which he had taken shelter, the Melaka tree (Malay: Pokok Melaka). In collaboration with united countries from the sea-people (orang laut), the wandering proto-Malay privateers of the Straits, he established Malacca as an international port by compelling passing ships to call there, and establishing fair and secure facilities for warehousing and trade. Mass settlement of Chinese, mostly from the imperial and merchant fleet occurred during the dynasty of Parameswara in the nearby of Bukit Cina (Chinese Hill), which was perceived as having excellent Feng Shui. Palace of Malaccas Malay Sultanate came from its strategic location, Malacca was an important stopping point for Zheng Hes fleet. To enhance relations, Hang Li Po, according to local folklore a daughter of the Ming Emperor of China, arrived in Malacca, accompanied by 500 attendants, to marry Sultan Manshur Shah who reigned from 1456 until 1477. Her attendants married locals and settled mostly in Bukit China (Bukit Cina). (See Zheng He in Malacca). At the height of its power, the Sultanate of Malacca ruled over the southern Malay Peninsula and much of Sumatra. Its rise helped to hold off the Thais southward expansion, as well as hasten the decline of the rival Majapahit Empire of Java, which had been declining in power as Malacca rose. Malacca was also pivotal in the spread of Islam in the Malay Archipelago. After Vietnam (then known as Annam) destroyed Champa in the 1471 Vietnamese encroachment of Champa, they engaged in hostilities with Malacca with the intent of conquest. In the 9th month of the year 1481 envoys arrived with the Malacca again sent envoys to China in 1481 to inform the Chinese that, while Malaccan abassador were returning to Malacca from China in 1469, the Vietnamese attacked the Malaccans, killing some of them while castrating the young and enslaving them. The Malaccans reported that Vietnam was in control of Champa and also sought to conquer Malacca, but the Malaccans did not fight back, because they did not want to fight against another state that was a tributary to China without approval from the Chinese. They enquired to face the Vietnamese party to China which was in China at the time, but the Chinese inquire them since the disturbance was years old, they could do nothing about it, and the Emperor sent a letter to the Vietnamese ruler responsibility him for the incident. The Chinese Emperor also ordered the Malaccans to lift soldiers and fight back with violent force if the Vietnamese attacked them again.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Lekta & the Dialectic Essays -- Philosophy Philosophical Essays
Lekta & the Dialectic The scope of Stoic logic encompasses various aspects of their philosophy and serves as the primary method through which the rest of their opinions about the world are shaped. Stoic logic is easily divisible into two realms, the realm of the dialectic, and that of rhetoric. Rhetoric, with all its breadth and superfluity, seems less valuable to Stoic logic than the more simplistic dialectic. For the Stoics, the wise man is always the dialectician, for the dialectic distinguishes the true from the false with brevity and completeness. One of the most interesting aspects of Stoic logic, the concept of sayables or lekta pertains to this dialectic. There are numerous characteristics and conditions of sayables which ultimately reveal a great deal about the whole of Stoic philosophy and pose interesting questions about the continuity of their theory. Distinct from speech, sound, voices and utterances, lekta possess qualities which distinguish them from other aspects of communication and thought. At its most simple form, absent of various other conditions, a lekton is simply a piece of language that articulates a state of affairs, carries a truth value, and â€Å"subsists in accordance with a rational impression†(LS 196). Now, while lekta cannot be simply termed as speech or ideas, they are linked in a special sense with both speech and a concept to form an opinion. â€Å"†¦three things are linked together, ‘the signification’, ‘the signifier’, and ‘the name-bearer’. The signifier is an utterance, for instance ‘Dion’; the signification is the actual state of affairs revealed by an utterance, and which we apprehend as it subsists in accordance with our thought†¦ the name-bearer is the external object, for instance, Dion ... ...olded various lekta to create their propositions, forming questions which could be universally comprehended and evaluated. Without lekta, the dialectic could not have existed. The Stoic lekta, which I believe to be a corporeal part in the Stoic hierarchy of ‘somethings,’ provide a means through which logicians and philosophers could engage in the dialectic which developed various truths which we read about today. Whether lekta are a body or not, it remains that their strong independence and resilience as somethings can be used as a means to the end of scientific truth. Engaging in rational debate with propositions filled with subjects and predicates was the cornerstone of Stoic philosophy. Without logic, and the sayables which pieced together their dialectic, the Stoics would have been unable to provide perspective on those truths which have persisted through time.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Mental and Social Disorder Essay -- Diseases/Disorders
One in every seventeen people in America suffers from a mental disorder. These disorders inhibit the afflicted person from functioning properly and coping normally with daily life. Many afflicted with a psychological disorder do not exhibit obvious symptoms, as medical advancements have made it possible for these disorders to be suppressed or even nonexistent. Today, however, harsh stigmas exist that unfairly categorize those with a mental illness as violent, unfriendly, and abnormal. The media and federal government are culprits in fabricating the unrealistic depictions of mental disability that define the portrayal of those who are mentally or psychologically disadvantaged. The media is and has been one of the strongest outlets of perpetuating negative mental illness stereotypes. Since the invention of the television and its spread to every American household by the 1960s, television shows have manufactured an image of the mentally disabled as dangerous and unpredictable . The shows depict the mentally ill as very violent; â€Å"One in four mentally ill characters kill someone, and half are portrayed as hurting others .†The ways in which mentally disabled are filmed within a show also differs from the ways that non-disabled characters are shot. Studies show that they are usually filmed â€Å"alone with close-up or extreme shots, reinforcing their isolation and dislocation from the other characters †and from society. In movies, like One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, the characters who are treated in psychiatric wards are similarly portrayed as crazy and violent, while the mental health field as a whole is negatively stereotyped. Mov ies make the facilities out to be places where electroshock and psychosurgery are commonly practiced medi... ... people with mental illness?." Gale Power Search. Web. 19 Mar. 2012. ¤tPosition=3&contentSet=GALE%7CA199865961&&docId=GALE|A199865961&docType=GALE&role=EAIM. "TV dramas give misleading view of mental illness, claims report | Society | The Guardian." Latest US news, world news, sport and comment from the Guardian | | The Guardian. Web. 15 Mar. 2012. Watters, Ethan. "The Americanization of Mental Illness -" The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. Web. 4 Apr. 2012.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Early Jewish Migration to Maryland Essay -- Judaism
The Early Waves of Jewish Migration to Maryland Introduction: The state of Maryland is current home to over 235,000 self-identified Jewish residents, making up over 4% of the total state population (JDB, 159). Today, Jewish Marylanders live in an open, welcoming environment, but this was not always the case. When the first Jewish settlers landed in St. Mary’s City, political equality was only a hope for the distant future. The first wave of Jewish migration to Maryland was marked by a trend of percolation rather then influx migration. Jews in the area practiced a quiet observance rather then an open profession of faith. After the Revolutionary War, urbanization increased and wave two of Jewish migration began. But it wasn’t until 1826, the year the â€Å"Jew Bill†was passed, and the begging of Wave 3 that Jews in Maryland could truly experience political equality. Migration Wave One: The first record of Jewish settlement in colonial Maryland appears as early as the 1630’s. The individual who is credited as being the first Jewish colonist, a Portuguese itinerant salesman named Mathias de Souse, is recorded to have moved to the area in 1633 (Schwartz-Kenvin, 130). De Souse’s arrival to the region marks the beginning of the first wave of Jewish migration. This wave begins in 1633 and ends a decade before the revolutionary war, in 1765. When comparing Jewish migration in the Chesapeake region to migration patterns in surrounding areas, the lack of movement to the area best defines this period. Large Jewish communities were forming in New York, Newport, Savannah, and Charleston, yet Maryland remained relatively free of Jewish settlement. On a local scale, Schaefersville and Lancaster, both prominent Jewish communi... ...y Jewish Life, University of Connecticut. 9 Feb. 2008 . *Cited in text as JDB* 3. Maryland. Archives of Maryland Online. Bacon's Law of Maryland. *Cited in text as AMO* 4. Rabinove, Samuel. "How -- and Why -- American Jews Have Contended for Religious Freedom: the Requirements and Limits of Civility." Journal of Law and Religion 8 (1990): 131-151. 1 Mar. 2008 5. Sarna, Jonathan D. "The Impact of the American Revolution on American Jews." Modern Judaism (1981): 149-160. 9 Feb. 2008. Oxford University Press 6. Schwartz-Kenvin, Helene. This Land of Liberty. New York: Behrman House, 1986. 112- 137 7. Stern, Horace. "The First Jewish Settlers in America: Their Struggle for Religious Freedom." The Jewish Quarterly Review (1996): 289-296. 2 Mar. 2008. Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Healthy eating in schools
Hi, my name is Ben Dickens and I'm here today to make you are aware of the appalling state of food on offer at Salendine Nook High. We all send our Children to school believing that they will be there to learn and work towards attaining good grades. We also expect them to get a healthy and well balanced meal at lunch but to my amazement, this isn't the case. During a recent visit to the school through my job I was perplexed at how awful the food at the school is. Unbelievably our children are offered crisps, chocolate, cakes and fizzy pop at break times. At lunch times the food gets shockingly worse, our children are once again offered cakes and fizzy pop in addition to chips, burgers and pizzas. This is a total disgrace and it should not be allowed to happen to our children. The school has a responsibility to look after our children and I don't believe that offering this complete rubbish as food is responsible. In fact it's an outrage so I urge you to join me in my fight against the school and force them to change their menu. The only way it can happen is if we all join together and campaign to get the school to change. I feel change starts in the classroom, and educating our children in school would be the first step towards achieving our goal of healthier school meals. The school would also need to train the current staff or find better skilled staff to be able to prepare the meals. Doing this would mean we have a better chance of succeeding on our fight to reform school meals. I really can't stress how important healthy eating is at school, not only does it teach the children good habits and get them used to healthy foods but it can also boost energy and concentration levels. In a recent survey conducted by The School food trust claims that if a child eats a hot, well balanced and nutritious meal at lunch time it can boost concentration levels for afternoon classes. So not only is eating healthy good for our children's physical health it can also have a positive effect on their school work. Recently you may have heard about Jamie Oliver's healthy eating campaign and the positive effect it had on the children at Kidbrooke School. Before Jamie Oliver was involved at the school the exam results of year eleven students was at the lowly level pass rate of 74% after the school food was overhauled the pass rate is now at 90% and rising year by year. This is the effect that eating healthily at school can have on our children's exam results and their overall wellbeing. We all want the best for our children so why shouldn't we campaign for the school to change? Questions needs to be asked of the school as to why they aren't offering wide range of healthy foods. Is it just convenient for them to cook fast food without a thought for our children's future health? Are the school cooks skilled enough to prepare good food? Does the school actually care what they feed our children? Only the school know so we must demand answers and we must plead for change. We must do all we can to force the school to change, starting by directly contacting them and questioning their policies on the food in school. We must also contact local councillors and government officials to see if they can help change the food. Doing this may also spark a more widespread change which can only be good for the future of all our children. Hopefully if we persist with this campaign the school will eventually realise that the food needs to be healthier. I cannot stress enough how important it is to change the food. After all we all attempt to give our children a healthy diet at home so why should the school ruin that by feeding them disgusting greasy food? We don't want them growing up on such a bad diet so we must act now and stop the school from ruining our children's diets. So join me in this campaign so we can ensure a healthy experience at school for all of our children. Thank you very much for listening, on your way out of the venue please take an information pack with some further information for you to read. You can also follow us on twitter for updates on our fight.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Implementing School Vouchers Program
Most Americans believe that improving our system of education should be a top priority for government at the local, state, and Federal levels. Legislators, school boards, education professionals, parent groups, and community organizations are attempting to implement innovative ideas to rescue children from failing school systems, particularly in inner-city neighborhoods. Many of these groups support the voucher program. The standard program proposed in dozens of states across the country would distribute monetary vouchers (ranging in values between $2,500-$5,000) to parents of school-aged children, usually in troubled inner-city school districts. Parents could then use the vouchers towards the cost of tuition at private schools, including those dedicated to religious indoctrination. School vouchers might seem a relatively great way to increase the options poor parents have for educating their children, when in fact, vouchers pose as a serious threat to values that are vital to the health of American democracy. These programs subvert the constitutional principle of separation of church and state and threaten to undermine our system of public education. Implementation of voucher programs sends a clear message that we are giving up on public education. Even though vouchers would help some students, they will not help all. Public education is for all children, regardless of their religion, academic talents or their ability to pay. This policy has made public schools the backbone of American democracy, helping young people grow into responsible citizens. Supporters of the voucher program, include that the program offers parents a choice. In fact, vouchers only guarantee that some parents will have some taxpayers money to put towards a child†s private school tuition. No voucher system will cover the total cost of tuition, when tuition in a private school averages $10,000 per year, and the voucher totals less than $5,000. This leaves the parents still having to pay thousands of dollars, and most families cannot come up with the rest of the money to cover tuition costs. Voucher systems do not guarantee that every child who applies will be selected to attend the private school. Many religious schools currently reject two of every three children who apply. The only thing that vouchers guarantee is that taxes will go up. Taxpayers will be forced to foot the bill for the vouchers, but they will have to pick up the tab for a whole new bureaucracy, including hidden costs like transportation. Vouchers will also force taxpayers to support two entire education systems, public and private. To make things worse, no extra money will be given to the schools that desperately need taxpayers support. Being one of the most diverse countries in the world, the public school system stands as an institution that unifies Americans. Under the voucher program, our educational system, and our country would become more separated than it already is. With the help of taxpayers†dollars, private schools would be filled with wealthy and middle-class students, and the motivated students from inner cities. Some public schools would be left with fewer dollars to teach and the poorest of the poor and other students who, for one reason or another were not private school material. All these situations would hardly benefit public education. Many studies suggest that vouchers are good for public schools yet, there is little evidence that they will ultimately improve the quality of public education for those who need it most. Proposition 38 would change public education statewide without first experimenting to determine what type of state subsidy would lead to high quality education for most children. California†s public school enrollment exceeds 6 million, and the number of students willing to leave public schools in unknown, but there is an even smaller percentage of the number of spaces existing in private schools for these students willing to leave. (â€Å"Draper Initiative†) Proposition 38 is a huge and costly experiment that hold little accusations of improving student achievement, and does not provide real education choice. In conclusion, school voucher programs undermine two great American traditions, universal public education and the separation of the church and state. Instead of embracing vouchers, communities across the country should dedicate themselves to finding solutions that will be available to every American school aged child. Voucher programs will not allow the parent to make the choice of what school their child attends, but the voucher school will make the choice in which what school students can attend. Voucher schools get the money that taxpayers†are paying for, these children to attend these private schools, but these children are still being rejected for many reasons. The end argument should be whether or not vouchers will lead to full educational freedom, and most likely it will not.
Humans and Bread
Food is a basic need for the creatures in the world to sustain their daily body methodology. Bread is a regarded as a symbol for life, symbol for prosperity and livelihood from ages. Bread, a food item was discovered primarily in the Middle East and the features of the bread were modified according to the regions it has been introduced. The bread was related to the divine source provided by the eternity. Since wheat is the cultivated in most part of the world and the bread is prepared with wheat. Bread therefore symbolizes food in various forms.Consumption of bread was known in the pre Christian era. In the initial times when bread was introduced to the English speaking countries the villages used to have to community kitchens where the women in every house used to bake their cakes at a common place. The women were regarded as the significant part in the family who nurture the family and their congregation was regarded as significant social involvement. The guests were welcomed in to the houses with a piece of bread and liquor to wish them a better life.The Russians regards bread and vodkha as a sacred combination. The bread which was prepared from wheat was considered basic food. Bread was used as a commodity in Egyptian ages. After the post harvest period people were provided with work and paid bread. Thus bread is considered as money. Bread or wheat was considered as basic ingredient for the livelihood and the rulers were at times conscious about the supply of the grains or bread to huge population in the kingdom.The bakers who tried to adulterate the bread making process were severely punished. The English used to introduce wheat cultivation and bread making in different parts of the world. Bread making even now is a daily routine affair for many families in different countries as it symbolizes a tradition, a habitual action. Now a days people in different parts prepare bread to suit their tastes to make it more nutritious and to include their and love and affection to share with family.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Introducing government in america Essay
A. Defining Democracy 1. Democracy is a means of selecting policymakers and of organizing government so that policy reflects citizens’ preferences. B. Traditional Democratic Theory 1. Equality in voting 2. Effective participation 3. Enlightened understanding 4. Citizen control of the agenda 5. Inclusion 6. Democracies must practice majority rule and preserve minority rights. 7. The relationship between the few leaders and the many followers is one of representation. C. Three Contemporary Theories of American Democracy 1. Pluralist theory states that groups with shared interests influence public policy by pressing their concerns through organized efforts. 2. Elite and class theory contends that societies are divided along class lines, and that an upper-class elite pulls the strings of government. 3. Hyperpluralism contends that many groups are so strong that government is unable to act. D. Challenges to Democracy 1. Increased Technical Expertise 2. Limited Participation in Government 3. Escalating Campaign Costs 4. Diverse Political Interests (policy gridlock) E. American Political Culture and Democracy 1. Political culture consists of the overall set of values widely shared within a society. 2. Liberty 3. Egalitarianism 4. Individualism 5. Laissez-faire 6. Populism F. A Culture War? (Is America polarized into rival political camps with different political cultures?) G. Preview Questions about Democracy VI. The Scope of Government in America (pp. 23–26) A. How Active Is American Government? B. Preview Questions about the Scope of Government VII. Summary (p. 26) LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying Chapter 1, you should be able to: 1. Describe what government is and what governments do. 2. Understand how politics is the struggle over â€Å"who gets what, when, and how.†3. Identify the important features of the policymaking system and explain how public policies are the choices that government makesâ€â€and declines to makeâ€â€in response to political issues. 4. Understand the nature of democratic government and traditional democratic theory, and the key questions concerning democracy. 5. Distinguish among the three contemporary theories of American democracy and politics (pluralist, elite and class, and hyperpluralist) and identify some of their strengths and weaknesses. 6. Understand the nature of American political culture and identify the elements of the American creed. 7. Understand the nature of the scope of government in America and the key questions concerning the scope of government. The following exercises will help you meet these objectives: Objective 1: Describe what government is and what governments do. 1. Define the term â€Å"government.†The institutions that make authoritative decisions for any given society. 2. What are the two fundamental questions about governing that serve as themes throughout the textbook? 1. How should we govern? 2. What should government do? 3. List the five functions that all national governments perform. 1. Maintain a national defense 2. Provide public services 3. Preserve order 4. Socialize the young 5. Collect taxes Objective 2: Understand that politics is the struggle over â€Å"who gets what, when, and how.†1. Define the term â€Å"politics.†Determines whom we select as our governmental leaders and what policies these leaders pursue. 2. Give examples of the â€Å"who,†â€Å"what,†â€Å"when,†and â€Å"how†of politics. 1. Who: Voters, candidates, groups, and parties 2. What: New taxes, medical care for the elderly 3. When: When people speak up 4. How: Voting, supporting, compromising, lobbying Objective 3: Identify the important features of the policy system and explain how public policies are the choices that government makes, and declines to make, in response to political issues. 1. Draw a diagram of how a policy system works. Political issues get on policy agenda Policymakers make policy Policies affect people People Linkage institutions Policy Agenda Policymaking institutions Policy People 2. List four key linkage institutions in a democratic society. 1. Parties 2. Interest groups 3. Media 4. Elections 3. Define the term â€Å"policy agenda.†The issues that attract the serious attention of public officials and other people actually involved in politics at in given point in time. 4. How does a government’s policy agenda change? Responds more to societal failures than successes. For example, when jobs are scarce and business productivity is falling, economic problems occupy a high position in the agenda. 5. List the four major policymaking institutions in the United States. 1. Congress 2. The Presidency 3. The Courts 4. Bureaucracies 6. Define the term â€Å"policy impacts.†The effects a policy has on people and problems. Impacts are analyzed to see how well a policy has met its goal and at what cost. Objective 4: Understand the nature of democratic government, traditional democratic theory, and the key questions concerning democracy. 1. Define the term â€Å"democracy†as used in this text. A system of selecting policymakers and of organizing government so that policy represents and responds to the public’s preferences. 2. List the five cornerstones of an ideal democracy. 1. Equality in voting 2. Effective participation 3. Enlightened understanding 4. Citizen control of the agenda 5. Inclusion 3. Explain the principles of majority rule and minority rights. When choosing among alternatives, the will of over half the voters should be followed, but restraints protecting the minority’s rights. Objective 5: Distinguish among the three contemporary theories of American democracy and politics (pluralist, elite and class, and hyperpluralist) and identify some of their strengths and weaknesses. 1. Complete the following table comparing pluralist, elite and class, and hyperpluralist theories according to who holds the power and how policy is made. Theory| Who Holds Power| How Policy is Made| Pluralist| Groups with shared interests| Pressing their concernsthrough organized efforts| Elite and Class| Upper -class| They can afford to finance election campaigns and control key institutions| Hyperpluralist| Groups| Groups are so strong that government is weakened| 2. List the major challenges facing American democracy. 1. Increased Technical Expertise 2. Limited Participation in Government 3. Escalating Campaign Costs 4. Diverse Political Interests Objective 6: Understand the nature of American political culture and identify the elements of the American creed. 1. What is ‘political culture’ and why is it crucial to understanding American government? An overall set of values widely shared within a society. It is crucial to understanding American government because Americans are so diverse in terms of ancestries, religions, and heritages. A set of shared beliefs and values unites Americans. 2. List and give an example of the five elements of the American creed according to Seymour Martin Lipset. 1. Liberty 2. Egalitarianism 3. Individualism 4. Laissez – faire 5. Populism 3. List three ways in which America might be experiencing a crisis of cultural values. 1. A loss over time of traditional values, such as the importance of religion and family life 2. An unfavorable comparison with the citizens of other countries in terms of values such as patriotism or support for moral principles 3. The division of society into opposed groups with irreconcilable moral differences Objective 7: Understand the nature of the scope of government in America and the key questions concerning the scope of government. 1. Make a list of items that illustrate the scope of American government. Owns 1/3 of the land I the U.S., owns and operates over 400,000 nonmilitary vehicles, employs over 2.2 million people, etc 2. What is gross domestic product and how does the term illustrate the scope of American government? The sum total of the value of all the goods and services produced in a nation. Gross domestic product illustrates the scope of American government because it not only spends large sums of money but also employs large numbers of people. About 18 million Americans work for our government. KEY TERMS Identify and describe: Government – The institutions that make authoritative decisions for any given society public goods – Services the government provides that can be shared by everyone and cannot be denied to anyone politics – Determines whom we select as our governmental leaders and what policies these leaders pursue political participation – The ways in which people get involved in politics single-issue groups – Groups so concerned with one issue that members cast their votes on the basis of that issue only, ignoring the politicians stand on everything else policymaking system – Reveals the way our government responds to the priorities of its people linkage institutions – The political channels through which people’s concerns become political issues on the policy agenda. In the US, linkage institutions include elections, political parties, interest groups, and the media. policy agenda – The issues that attract the serious attention of publ ic officials and other people actively involved in politics at any given time political issue – The result of people disagreeing about a problem or about the public policy needed to fix it policymaking institutions – Congress, the presidency, and the courts public policy – Every decision the government makes policy impacts – The effects that a policy has on people and on society’s problems democracy – A means of selecting policymakers and organizing government so that policy reflects citizen’s preferences majority rule – In choosing among alternatives, the will of over half the voters should be followed minority rights – Rights the majority cannot infringe on representation – The relationship between the few leaders and the many citizens pluralist theory – States that groups with shared interests influence public policy by pressing their concerns through organized efforts elite and class theory – Contends that our society, like all societies, is divided along class lines and that an upper-class elite pulls the strings of government hyperpluralism – Groups are so strong that government is weakened, as influence of many groups cripples government’s ability to make policy policy gridlock – Each policy coalition finds its way blocked by others political culture – The overall set of values widely shared within American society Gross domestic product – The total value of all goods and services produced annually by the United States Name that term: 1. Something in which any member of society can share without diminishing the supply to any other member of society. ____Public Goods__________ 2. It consists of subjects and problems getting the attention of government officials and their associates. _________________________ 3. This is a choice that government makes in response to an issue on its agenda. ____Policy Agenda_________ 4. This arises when people disagree about a problem or about public policy choices made to combat a problem. _____Political Issue________ 5. Political parties, elections, and interest groups are the main ones in the United States. _____Linkage Institutions___ 6. The effects a policy has on people and on society’s problems. _____Policy Impacts_______ 7. The most fundamental aspect of democratic theory. _____Majority Rule_______ 8. According to this theory of American government, many groups are so strong and numerous that the government is unable to act. _____Hyperpluralism______ 9. This problem is magnified when voters choose a president from one party and congressional majorities from the other party. ____Policy Gridlock_______ 10. A key factor that holds American democracy together. ____Political Culture________ 11. The total value of all goods and services produced annually by the United States. __Gross Domestic Product____ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Circle the correct answer: 1. Which of the following statements is TRUE? a. There is no relationship between political knowledge and age. b. In the mid-1960s, there was virtually no relationship between political knowledge and age; now, in the early twenty-first century, political knowledge increases with age. c. In the mid-1960s, there was virtually no relationship between political knowledge and age; now, in the early twenty-first century, political knowledge decreases with age. d. Today, in the early twenty-first century, there is virtually no relationship between political knowledge and age; in the mid-1960s, political knowledge increased with age. e. Today, in the early twenty-first century, there is virtually no relationship between political knowledge and age; in the mid-1960s, political knowledge decreased with age. 2. Political scientists argue that higher levels of political knowledge a. foster tolerance. b. foster intolerance. c. promote partisanship. d. promote bipartisanship. e. increase wealth. 3. Despite their differences, all governments a. provide public services. b. maintain a national defense. c. collect taxes. d. All of the above e. C only 4. Which of the following is an example of a public good? a. Libraries b. Parks c. College education d. All of the above e. Both a and b 5. Single-issue groups a. aid effective policymaking for the public interest. b. are concerned with a wide range of problems. c. have very little influence on voters or politicians. d. tend to have a narrow interest and to dislike compromise. e. view politics as a vocation, rather than as an avocation. 6. Which of the following is NOT a component of the policymaking system? a. People b. Linkage institutions c. Policy agenda d. Criminal justice institutions e. Policymaking institutions 7. Which of the following is TRUE of the policymaking system? a. Linkage institutions transmit people’s interests to government. b. Media investigate social problems and inform people about them. c. Elections enable Americans to make their opinions heard by choosing their public officials. d. People, linkage institutions, media, and elections all help to shape the policy agenda? e. All of the above 8. In a democratic society, parties, elections, interest groups, and the media are all examples of ____ between the preferences of citizens and the government’s policy agenda. a. cross-pollination b. inputs and outputs c. ideological bridges d. obstacles e. linkage institutions 9. Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels published a. The Communist Manifesto b. A Theory of Democracy c. The Federalist Papers d. Poor Richard’s Almanac e. War and Peace 10. Which of the following is NOT a type of public policy? a. Congressional statute b. Regulation c. Court decision d. Budgetary choices e. Mandate 11. The principle of â€Å"one person, one vote,†is an expression of the principle of a. equality in voting. b. effective participation. c. enlightened understanding. d. inclusion. e. citizen control of the agenda. 12. The principle of traditional democracy theory guaranteeing rights to those who do not belong to majorities and allows that they might join majorities through persuasion and reasoned argument is called the principle of a. majority rule. b. minority rights. c. representation. d. pluralism. e. enlightened understanding. 13. Pluralists a. believe that the public interest will prevail through bargaining and compromise. b. depend on fragmented, decentralized, and dispersed power in the policy process. c. oppose the principle of majority rule. d. compete through a system of â€Å"minority rule†for influence. e. All of the above 14. Who referred to the U.S. as a â€Å"nation of joiners†? a. Thomas Jefferson b. Alexis de Tocqueville c. Robert Putnam d. Ronald Reagan e. George H. W. Bush 15. Increased technical expertise poses a potential challenge to democracy because a. it is difficult to have an informed â€Å"nontechnical†public debate on technical issues. b. it goes against the tenets of pluralist political theory. c. it violates the notion of one man, one vote. d. elected officials find it hard to understand technical experts. e. interest groups have a difficult time securing technical expertise. 16. A condition that occurs when no coalition is strong enough to form a majority and establish policy is a. PAC. b. policy gridlock. c. policy failure. d. policy impact. e. hyperpluralist policy. 17. The overall set of values widely shared within a society is called the society’s a. political culture. b. public opinion. c. media influence. d. linkage institutions. e. popular culture. 18. America’s bountiful frontier provides a partial explanation for which element of the American creed? a. Egalitarianism b. Populism c. Individualism d. Opportunism e. Liberty 19. Which of the following is NOT a possible way that Americans may be experiencing a crisis of culture values, according to Wayne Baker? a. A loss of traditional values, such as religion and family life b. An unfavorable comparison with citizens of other countries in terms of patriotism and/or support for moral principles c. The division of society into opposed groups with irreconcilable moral differences d. A decline in citizens’ commitment to equal opportunity e. None of the above 20. Which of the following statements is TRUE? a. When expenditures grow, tax revenues must grow to pay the additional costs. b. When taxes do not grow as fast as spending, a budget deficit results. c. In 2009, the federal deficit was more than $400 billion. d. The national debt is more than $9 trillion. e. All of the above TRUE FALSE QUESTIONS Circle the correct answer: 1. The voter turnout rate among young Americans is consistently higher than among older Americans. T / F 2. Emergent communication technologies and the proliferation of television channels make it easier to avoid information about politics. T / F 3. All governments protect national sovereignty, frequently by maintaining a national defense and armed forces. T / F 4. The daily recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools is a tool of political socialization used to instill national values among the young. T / F 5. The courts are an example of a linkage institution. T / F 6. The policy agenda responds more to societal failures than it responds to societal successes. T / F 7. Most people around the world believe that democracy is the best form of government. T / F 8. Over one-third of the nation’s wealth is held by just 1 percent of the population. T / F 9. The tax burden on Americans is small compared to other democratic nations. T / F 10. Lincoln’s famous phrase, â€Å"government of the people, for the people, and by the people,†is a classic expression of laissez-faire. T / F
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