Thursday, December 26, 2019
Differences Between Twilight Movie And Movie - 1738 Words
Twilight: Movie and Book Comparison In most successful novels, what tends to follow is typically a movie or a TV show based on it. However, the book isn’t necessarily a manuscript for the film. For those who read the novel before watching the visual picture, they will notice many subtle and distinct differences. All though it may not seem very important to any ordinary person, the reading enthusiasts tend to feel otherwise. Many have strong opinions on the importance of the small details because although most differences are minor, some greatly impact the storyline and the emotions conveyed to the audience. When comparing the book Twilight, written by Stephanie Meyers, with the movie Twilight, screenplay written by Melissa Rosenberg and†¦show more content†¦The EMTs put her on a stretcher and put a neck brace on her. Edward stays with Bella after saving her from being hit by Tylers van. He rides with her in the ambulance to hide what really happened by giving her a fa ke version of the story in which he was with her the whole time. She realizes somethings up and is aware of what he’s trying to do. She tells him he must agree to tell her the truth later in exchange for her cooperation. Bella goes along with the story Edward gave her when she is asked how she got out of the way, which earns her his trust (Meyers 56-67). The same scene in the movie is entirely different and simplified a lot from the reading. Edwards impossible speed and strength are still obvious to Bella but without quite as much evidence. Edward is on the other side of the parking lot when Tyler loses control of his van, which does not spin out of control but slides sideways towards her. Edward gets to Bella in time to gently catch her with one arm and even stopping the van with ease with the other. By being able to gently catch her, Bella suffers no injury from the van or his intervening, but she is stunned after witnessing his insane abilities. Edward is shown as this cra zy strong unmovable force, shown by the momentum of the van having hardly any affect on him. He barely moves toward the truck, unlike in the book where he puts a dent in it. Edward walks away after saving Bella from being hit by Tylers van andShow MoreRelatedDifferences Between Twilight Book And Movie818 Words  | 4 PagesWhen comparing the book Twilight to the movie some of the scene in the book are different. The book was written by Stephanie Meyers, but the movie Twilight was written by Melissa Rosenberg and produced by Catherine Hardwicke. There are a lot of visual differences between the two. Some important scenes were changed in the book and the movie. In one scene, Edward take Bella out of his car at the beginning of school. He does not touch Bella because at midnight for vampires. 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While critics remained mixed about the film itself, the movie offers a decent adaption of its source material, keeping in mind its original themes of pain, pleasure, and memory, but strays away in certain areas. Both the film and novel carry the same themes that have made the story so interesting. The story itself is essentially about the relationship between pain, pleasure, and memories. Both mediums of art emphasize the issue that there is no such thingRead MoreThe Vampire Chronicles Vs. Twilight Saga869 Words  | 4 PagesThe Twilight Saga Do you prefer The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice or The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer? This question can lead into a huge argument due to the opinions of who answers the question. A person can guess the answer by the age of the people. The older generation would suggest The Vampire Chronicles because it tells the tale of the â€Å"true†vampires, such as the human blood suckers that only comes out at night. While the younger generation would suggest The Twilight SagaRead MoreThe Vampire in Folklore vs the Vampire in Literature1139 Words  | 5 Pagesseries Twilight. (Senf, pg 2) The truth is, there is little amount of films that portrait the vampire being described as the hideous creature of Bram Stocker’s description. The few films who did this are Murnau’s Nosferatu 1922, Tobe Hooper’s Salem’s lot 1979 and Tom Holland’s Fright Night 1985 not to forget Blade Stephen Norrington 1998.(Senf, pg 2) Bram Stocker’s descr iption describes the vampire looking more like a beast than a human being unlike the charming good looking Edward from Twilight. â€Å"Read MoreScience Fiction : The Twilight Zone1159 Words  | 5 Pagesinfluential and popular shows were the timely Twilight Zone (1959-1964) and the cult favorite The X-Files (1994-2002). Both have been staples in popular culture by reflecting on social structure and politics through the use of science fiction. (Booker). By comparing the two shows, I will showcase how science fiction became the most influential genre in television history. Science fiction was a genre not very popularized until the emergence of The Twilight Zone. Creator Rod Serling created the scienceRead MoreThe Phenomena of The Hunger Games and Divergent721 Words  | 3 PagesThe Phenomena of The Hunger Games and Divergent It is quite common nowadays for novel to be made as movie. Actually, the phenomena of novels becoming books have started years ago. Famous novels like Bridget Jones’ Diary, The Notebook, The Lord of the Rings, and let’s not forget Harry Potter series are also successfully made into movies. But nowadays, there is this new phenomenon of The Hunger Games trilogy that often discussed. The cast directly becomes new idols of this generation. Who doesRead MoreThe Twilight Sag Teenage, Vampire, Romance1743 Words  | 7 PagesTwilight Saga: Teenage, Vampire, Romance The Twilight Saga by Stephanie Myer created a massive fan following that grew into a supernatural franchise. The story of Bella and Edward was in the hands of countless teenagers and adults alike, captivating audiences with the classic story of young love, but with a vampire twist. The books were published starting when I was a young teenager, and I was not immune to the charms of a sparkly vampire fighting his desire for love for the sake of her safety
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Electronic Health Record And The Movement Toward The...
The advancement of the electronic health record and the movement toward the digital age compelled policies, procedures, and standardizations to improve quality, safety and efficiency of the electronic health record, as well as reduce disparities of patient data of the positive HIV population. The course outcomes that my paper will address are the rules and regulations regarding privacy, confidentiality, and compliance with special attention to the HIPAA Privacy and Security rules on our local, state, federal and various regulatory agencies, and the enforcement authority of these agencies for patients with positive HIV. I plan to recognize the ethical issues and barriers for patients with HIV and the use of the computerized health†¦show more content†¦Inappropriate disclosure of these patients’ medical condition can have serious outcomes. Therefore, federal and state laws have been created to keep patients’ healthcare information confidential. All heal th care providers and social service providers along with federal and state laws are required to protect the patients’ health information. A federal law known as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects the privacy of a person’s health information. HIPAA defines what health information must be protected and specifies what must be done to protect patients privacy and security. While HIPAA does not specially address the positive HIV patient, regulations have been important in protecting these patients from discrimination related to their medical condition. â€Å"Pennsylvania Act 148 named the Confidentiality of HIV Related Information Act states that a health care provider or social service provider cannot share HIV test results without written permission with the exception in limited instances.†(The Affordable Care Act | Policy and Law | HIV/AIDS | CDC, 2016) In Pennsylvania, health care organizations, social service pr oviders, and clinical laboratories are require to report those patients with HIV/AIDS to the local health department. The local health department is required to keep this information confidential. The importance of
Monday, December 9, 2019
Business Level Strategy Analysis of Different Training Tool
Question: Explain the decision-making process management uses to develop viable courses of action to a variety of management situation? Answer: Introduction The study will conclude about the development process of a strengths finder test of an organization. The role of the employee is very crucial in the managerial plans and procedure. There are different kinds of goals and activities, which every company develops in the operations. The role of the employees is very much crucial towards the achievement of those goals and activities. The notion of motivation is one of the major concepts that need to be incorporated towards increasing the performance of the employees. If the employees are motivated and satisfied in a proper manner, it will automatically increase the efficiency level in the management. There are certain areas in which the manager needs to focus in order to develop a strong and a proper training session, depending upon the objectives of the organizations. The training session needs to be developed in such a manner, through which the employees of the company are benefited in different ways. Analysis of different training tool There are different advantages towards the development process of a proper judgment making activities. Productivity, improving morale support, internet resources, and teamwork are the different kinds of advantages, which are concluded in the judgment making process of the management. When employees are involved in the overall decision making process of the management it helps the management to develop a strong and a proper communication system in the enterprise. However, it also develops a moral support for the employees in the enterprise, which boost the performance level of the employees in the entire enterprise. Finally, the notion of teamwork is another additional feature, which is included in the overall operations. Participation of employees, in the overall judgment-making process of the management, allows all the employees to get opportunity to voice their opinion, it increases the efficiency level. As it, allow diversification of ideas. In this particular study, there are different kinds of strength, which are identified in the overall operational process to determine the overall strength of the employees. Some of the important strength finders are installing a proper monitoring system. The second point, which needs to be developed in the strength finders process are inflecting employees, relationship building, and strategic thinking. There are certain advantages of developing a proper monitoring system. Monitoring system is a part of a controlling system. With the help of a proper controlling system in the enterprise, the manager in the organization will be able to match the original performance with the planned performance. It will act as a guiding system in the organization and will simultaneously help both the employees and the company to match the original performance with the planned performance of the organization. If there is any deviation took place in the operational plans and procedure, the management wil l be able to bring back all the deviated things back on track. However, there are different additional things, which are included in the development process of a proper strength in the enterprise. The ultimate objective of any manager is to develop a proper strategy, which will allow the management to get the desired goals and activities done by the individual. However, the other two training tools are on field training and off field training. It will allow the employees to lean from the field activities. It is one of the most difficult jobs for the managers to get the work done with the right people. By applying these particular tools in the operational process, the manager will be benefited in different ways. In the time of globalization there different employees joins from different cultural backgrounds in the management. The way of communicating and the way of working differs from each other. The strength and weakness of different employees differs from each other. This is one of the most important points which majority of the managers needs to perform. Allocation of jobs by matching the quality of the employees with the help of the limited resources is the ultimate objectives of every coach and managers. Conclusion The concluding part of the study will summarize all the factors, which will conclude about the strength and weakness of the employees. In order to coordinate all the employees proper manner it will ensure the management to increase the entire efficiency level in the enterprise. There are certain approaches, which will acts as strength finders in the management. Other strength finders activities, such as teamwork, inflecting employees, relationship building and strategic thinking are the important strength finders. The majority of the coaches follow towards the development of employees in the decision making process of the management, which is one of the vital process.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Ischemic Stroke Essay Example Essay Example
Ischemic Stroke Essay Example Paper Ischemic Stroke Essay Introduction A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is partially or completely reduced, depriving the brain of necessary blood and oxygen and ultimately causing brain damage. There are two main types of stroke, ischemic and hemorrhagic, but for the purpose of this paper, the focus will be on ischemic stroke. Ischemic strokes account for approximately 87% of all stoke cases and occur as the result of an obstruction within a blood vessel that supplies blood to the brain. The obstruction can either be a cerebral thrombosis or a cerebral embolism. An ischemic stroke would be classified as thrombotic if the clot forms in an artery that is already very narrow. In contrast, a stroke would be classified as embolic when a clot forms in another part of the circulatory system and then proceeds to travel to brain and causes a blockage in smaller vessels. The underlying cause of ischemic strokes is atherosclerosis, which is defined the buildup of fatty deposits inside the vessel walls and it is the buildup of these fatty deposits that leads to blockages, and ultimately stroke. There are many different factors that contribute to an individual’s risk of experiencing a stroke. Some risk factors can be reduced, treated, and changed, but others are more permanent and serve as lifelong risks. For instance, an example of a long term effect would be that the risk of suffering from a stroke increases with age and approximately doubles each decade after an individual reaches the age of 55. Stroke is also more common among men than women and the risk for experiencing a stroke increases if there is a family history of it as well. Ischemic Stroke Essay Body Paragraphs In contrast, factors such as poor diet, smoking cigarettes, and a lack of physical activity are risk factors for stroke that can be controlled and reduced. High blood pressure is also one of the leading causes of stroke, as well as high blood cholesterol and heart disease. These risks are typically considered high risk and are associated with less healthy lifestyles, but do have the potential to be overcome given a proper diet and exercise plan. Symptoms Identifying the symptoms of stroke is essential to recovery, since the longer it goes untreated, the greater the chance of severe brain damage and disability. One of the common symptoms of stroke is lack of coordination. Individuals may face difficulties walking, experience dizziness, or be prone to lose balance and stumble. Another common symptom of stroke is difficulty speaking. Individuals experiencing a stroke may slur their words and some may have difficulty understanding speech as well. In addition, another symptom of stroke is paralysis or numbness of the face, arms, or legs. When this occurs, it is important to note that paralysis is most often is present on one side of the body, but can be seen in both sides as well. Difficulty with one’s vision is also a symptom of stroke and can be present in either one or both eyes. The sudden appearance of a severe headache is additionally a symptom and is often accompanied by dizziness and vomiting. All symptoms of stroke need to be taken seriously and individual’s displaying them should be rushed to a hospital as soon as possible. Treatment and Recovery As mentioned earlier, the longer a stroke goes undiagnosed, the greater the probability of severe brain damage and disability. Furthermore, treatment of stroke is most effective in the early stages, specifically within the first three hours. This section will look at the different treatment and recovery options for individuals suffering from ischemic strokes. Treatment In regards to treatment of an i schemic stroke, doctors typically first rely on thrombolytic medication to help break down the clot and restore blood flow to the brain. Aspirin is typically given after an ischemic stroke to prevent the formation of additional clots and reduce the likelihood of another stroke. Heparin is another blood thinning agent that may be used in the case of an ischemic stroke, however it is far less common since its effectiveness in emergency settings has yet to be fully determined. The use of an injection of tissue plasminogen activator, TPA, is a technique used by doctors to treat ischemic stroke, but it is only effective within the first three to four hours after the symptoms first began. TPA is administered through a vein in the arm and works to help dissolve the blood clot and reduce the effects of stroke. However, the drug does increase the chance of a brain bleed, and the majority of people admitted to the hospital for an ischemic stroke come in too late to receive the medication. In addition to the use of medication to combat ischemic strokes, doctors may also resort to emergency procedures as well. For instance doctors may make the decision to directly input TPA into the brain through the use of a catheter that is inserted into an artery in the groin area and maneuvered to the area of the brain where the stroke is occurring. This treatment option is more invasive, but gives doctors a greater window of treatment and requires smaller amounts of the drug which reduces the risk of bleeding. Doctors may also elect to use mechanical clot removal to treat an ischemic stroke. This procedural entails a doctor inserting a catheter with a mechanical device on the end and maneuvering it inside the brain to physically remove the clot. However, if the clot is not visible, this mechanical method is not viable. Recovery After the initial emergency treatment of an ischemic stroke, the focus shifts to the recovery process which involves helping patients recover their strength a nd regain as much function and sense of independence as possible. Rehabilitation typically begins in the hospital and continues at home or in an outpatient facility after the patient is discharged. No two rehabilitation programs are exactly the same, and in order for them to be most effective, they must be tailored to meet the patient’s needs. Some of the common issues addressed within stroke rehabilitation include: vision problems, difficulty sleeping, seizures, incontinence, paralysis, dysphagia, hemiparesis, spasticity, foot drop, aphasia and memory problems, and fatigue. As mentioned earlier, treatment plans are typically customized based on the needs of the patient, but we will look at a few treatment options that are commonly used for stroke victims. One of the most common impairments associated with stroke is paralysis. Hemiparesis, which is weakness or partial paralysis of one side of the body, is the form of paralysis most common amongst stroke victims. This can caus e a loss of balance for the individual as well as muscle fatigue, a lack of coordination, and difficulty walking and grasping objects. There are various treatment methods to combat hemiparesis, but one of the most common methods is modified constraint-induced therapy. This involves forcing the patient to use their weak side to perform certain tasks by restricting the use of the less affected side of the body. Electrical stimulation and cortical stimulation are two other treatments options that can be used through the use of electrodes to stimulate the weakened body part or the brain in the hopes of the patient regaining their mobility. These treatment methods can also be applied to other forms of paralysis associated with stroke such as spasticity and foot drop. Spasticity and foot drop can also be treated through the use of stretching exercises that help improve range of motion and flexibility while also reducing pain and discomfort. Furthermore, an additional form of paralysis ass ociated with stroke is dysphagia, which is paralysis of the throat muscles. This can lead to problems swallowing, eating, drinking, and breathing. There are a variety of rehabilitation methods to help lesson symptoms, including swallow therapy, special exercises, medication, and surgery. Surgery is the most extensive option and is typically reserved for severe cases, but has shown to be effective in the past. Swallow therapy and exercises are often used as well and involve the use of electric stimulation to improve swallowing and exercises to strengthen throat muscles. All of these rehabilitation techniques can be coupled with medications such as muscle relaxers in order to increase the effectiveness of the therapies being used on the individual. Incontinence is also another common result of stroke and affects approximately 40-60% of stroke victims. Treatment can involve a variety of methods including but not limited to medication, bladder and bowel training, surgery, the use of a c atheter, and behavioral and physical therapies. In addition to incontinence, seizures are also a side effect associated with ischemic stroke but is far less common. Antiepileptic drugs are the most common treatment method for stroke, however, they need to be carefully administered given the that they can sometimes have a negative impact on overall stroke recovery. To combat seizures due to stroke, surgery is sometimes presented as an option, as well as the implementation of a vagus nerve stimulator to help prevent future seizures, but these treatment methods are more invasive and come with a higher risk. Aphasia and memory problems are two cognitive effects of stroke that impact a multitude of individuals. Aphasia is a communication disorder that affects an individual’s ability to both comprehend and use language. Aphasia is often treated using melodic intonation therapy, art therapy, visual speech perception therapy, constraint-induced language therapy, and group therapy. Ho wever, the most common treatment for aphasia is speech therapy, which uses special exercises and techniques to improve the patient’s ability to speak. In order to combat memory problems, neuropsychological rehabilitation, cognitive rehabilitation and cognitive training are used to help improve alertness, attention to detail, recall, and the ability to function independently. Treatment in these two areas is highly important and successful rehabilitation can provide stroke victims with a better quality of life and sense of independence. Conclusion The outlook for victims of strokes varies on a case to case basis, but if caught early, there is a greater chance of a more effective recovery. The type of stroke also greatly impacts survival rates, with individuals with ischemic strokes having more positive outlooks than individuals who suffer a hemorrhagic stroke. In emergency treatment of a stroke, doctors will initially attempt acute treatment methods in the hopes of breaking up and dissolving the clot, however the most effective treatments have a limited time frame of use. Post stroke rehabilitation varies from patient to patient and is customized to fit a patient’s needs. It is often a lengthy process but in the end the results have the potential to be very positive and most patients see an improvement in their overall quality of life. We will write a custom essay sample on Ischemic Stroke Essay Example specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Ischemic Stroke Essay Example specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Ischemic Stroke Essay Example specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Quotes From Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
Quotes From 'Lolita' by Vladimir Nabokov Lolita, a controversial novel by Russian author Vladimir Nabokov, was first published in 1955. The work centers around Humbert Humbert, a pedophile. Despite its controversial subject, Modern Library called Lolita one of the best novels of the 20th century. Elizabeth Janeway, reviewing the book for The New York Times in 1958, called it one of the funniest and one of the saddest books shed ever read. The quotes below illustrate Janeways point. Illicit Desire Over the years, many critics have praised the beauty of the language in the novel, while voicing distress over the monstrous subject matter. The book, according to NPR, offers a depiction of love that is as patently original as it is brutally shocking. Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta. She was Lo, plain Lo, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted line. But in my arms, she was always Lolita. - Part One, Chapter 1There, on the soft sand, a few feet away from our elders, we would sprawl all morning, in a petrified paroxysm of desire, and take advantage of every blessed quirk in space and time to touch each other: her hand, half-hidden in the sand, would creep toward me, its slender brown fingers sleepwalking nearer and nearer; then, her opalescent knee would start on a long cautious journey; sometimes a chance rampart built by younger children granted us sufficient concealment to graze each others salty lips; these incomplete contacts drove our healthy and inexperienced young bodies to such a st ate of exasperation that not even the cold blue water, under which we still clawed at each other, could bring relief. - Part One, Chapter 3 When I try to analyze my own cravings, motives, actions and so forth, I surrender to a sort of retrospective imagination which feeds the analytic faculty with boundless alternatives and which causes each visualized route to fork and re-fork without end in the maddeningly complex prospect of my past. - Part One, Chapter 4 Imagery Nabokov revered words and believed that the proper language could elevate any material to the level of art, according to SparkNotes. In Lolita, language effectively triumphs over shocking content and gives it shades of beauty that perhaps it does not deserve. The following quotes show how Nabokovs character, Humbert, essentially, seduces the reader as easily as he seduces Lolita. Through the darkness and the tender trees, we could see the arabesques of lighted windows which, touched up by the colored inks of sensitive memory, appear to me now like playing cards-presumably because a bridge game was keeping the enemy busy. She trembled and twitched as I kissed the corner of her parted lips and the hot lobe of her ear. A cluster of stars palely glowed above us, between the silhouettes of long thin leaves; that vibrant sky seemed as naked as she was under her light frock. I saw her face in the sky, strangely distinct as if it emitted a faint radiance of its own. Her legs, her lovely live legs, were not too close together, and when my hand located what it sought, a dreamy and eerie expression, half pleasure, half-pain, came over those childish features. - Part One, Chapter 4All at once we were madly, clumsily, shamelessly, agonizingly in love with each other; hopelessly, I should add, because that frenzy of mutual possession might have been assuaged only by our actually imbibing and assimilating every particle of each others soul and flesh. - Part One, Chapter 4 Now I wish to introduce the following idea. Between the age limits of nine and fourteen there occur maidens who, to certain bewitched travelers, twice or many times older than they, reveal their true nature which is not human, but nymphic (that is, demoniac); and these chosen creatures I propose to designate as nymphets. - Part One, Chapter 5Oh Lolita, you are my girl, as Vee was Poe’s and Bea Dante’s, and what little girl would not like to whirl in a circular skirt and scanties? - Part One, Chapter 25 Obsession Obsession eventually consumes Humbert, who at times seems disgusted at himself. But, the reader is also made to feel unclean for being drawn so completely into the story of Lolita. Lolita, when she chose, could be a most exasperating brat. I was not really quite prepared for her fits of disorganized boredom, intense and vehement griping, her sprawling, droopy, dopey-eyed style, and what is called goofing off a kind of diffused clowning which she thought was tough in a boyish hoodlum way. Mentally, I found her to be a disgustingly conventional little girl. Sweet hot jazz, square dancing, gooey fudge sundaes, musicals, movie magazines and so forth these were the obvious items in her list of beloved things. The Lord knows how many nickels I fed to the gorgeous music boxes that came with every meal we had! - Part Two, Chapter 1I seldom if ever dreamed of Lolita as I remembered her as I saw her constantly and obsessively in my conscious mind during my daymares and insomnias. - Part Two, Chapter 2My heart was a hysterical unreliable organ. - Part Two, Chapter 25It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight. - Part Two, Chapter 29I am thinkin g of aurochs and angels, the secret of durable pigments, prophetic sonnets, the refuge of art. And this is the only immortality you and I may share, my Lolita. - Part Two, Chapter 36
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Nucleus Definition in Chemistry
Nucleus Definition in Chemistry In chemistry, a nucleus is the positively charged center of the atom consisting of protons and neutrons. Its also known as the atomic nucleus. The word nucleus comes from the Latin word nucleus, which is a form of the word nux, which means nut or kernel. The term was coined in 1844 by Michael Faraday to describe the center of an atom. The sciences involved in the study of the nucleus, its composition, and characteristics are called nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry. Protons and neutrons are held together by the strong nuclear force. Electrons, although attracted to the nucleus, move so fast they fall around it or orbit it at a distance. The positive electrical charge of the nucleus comes from the protons, while the neutrons have no net electrical charge. Nearly all the mass of an atom is contained within the nucleus since protons and neutrons have much more mass than electrons. The number of protons in an atomic nucleus defines its identity as an atom of a specific element. The number of neutrons determines which isotope of an element the atom is. Size The nucleus of an atom is much smaller than the overall diameter of the atom because the electrons can be distant from the atoms center. A hydrogen atom is 145,000 times larger than its nucleus, while a uranium atom is around 23,000 times larger than its nucleus. The hydrogen nucleus is the smallest nucleus because it consists of a lone proton. It is 1.75 femtometers (1.75 x 10-15 m). The uranium atom, in contrast, contains many protons and neutrons. Its nucleus is about 15 femtometers. Arrangement of Protons and Neutrons The protons and neutrons are usually depicted as compacted together and evenly spaced into spheres. However, this is an oversimplification of the actual structure. Each nucleon (proton or neutron) can occupy a certain energy level and a range of locations. While a nucleus can be spherical, it may also be pear-shaped, rugby ball-shaped, discus-shaped, or triaxial. The protons and neutrons of the nucleus are baryons composed of smaller subatomic particles, called quarks. The strong force has an extremely short range, so protons and neutrons must be very near to each other to be bound. The attractive strong force overcomes the natural repulsion of the like-charged protons. Hypernucleus In addition to protons and neutrons, there is a third type of baryon called a hyperon. A hyperon contains at least one strange quark, while protons and neutrons consist of up and down quarks. A nucleus that contains protons, neutrons, and hyperons​ is called a hypernucleus. This type of atomic nucleus has not been seen in nature but has been formed in physics experiments. Halo Nucleus Another type of atomic nucleus is a halo nucleus. This is a core nucleus that is surrounded by an orbiting halo of protons or neutrons. A halo nucleus has a much larger diameter than a typical nucleus. Its also much more unstable than a normal nucleus. An example of a halo nucleus has been observed in lithium-11, which has a core consisting of 6 neutrons and 3 protons, with a halo of 2 independent neutrons. The half-life of the nucleus is 8.6 milliseconds. Several nuclides have been seen to have a halo nucleus when they are in the excited state, but not when they are in the ground state. Sources:  M. May (1994). Recent results and directions in hypernuclear and kaon physics. In A. Pascolini. PAN XIII: Particles and Nuclei. World Scientific. ISBN 978-981-02-1799-0. OSTI 10107402W. Nà ¶rtershuser, Nuclear Charge Radii of Be and the One-Neutron Halo Nucleus Be, Physical Review Letters, 102:6, 13 February 2009,
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Closed Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Closed Economy - Essay Example The question here is that why it is not concerned with the threats of United States. Let us not answer this question now and move a little further before answering this question. Official Statistics show that North Korea had an average annual growth rate of around 1.6 percent for the period of 2002-2007 (Walters, pp. 55-57, 2008). However, it shocked the world when it posted a growth rate of more than 3.7 percent in the year 2008 (Library of Congress, pp. 15-19, 2009). Not only had this shock came because this growth is the highest for North Korea for at least the past two decades but also because many neighboring countries of North Korea and even many other countries had either showed negative growth rates for the year 2008 due to the global financial recession. The second question is that what magic lamp North Korea had to show this comparatively unusual and high growth rate during the period of global financial recession and why there was no effect of the recession on its growth. The answers to both these questions lie in the economic structure of North Korea. North Korea is the country, which is the nearest of being called as a closed economy or autarky. It is one of the five remaining socialist states of the world with an entire government planned, state-owned and commands economy where the government intervenes largely. Interestingly, North Korea is a completely nationalized state and the state owns all the assets of the country. Moreover, the citizens do not have to pay any taxes.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Economic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Economic - Essay Example Ironically enough, lower employment figures make industries less agile to be able to respond to rapid changes in economic conditions, paradigmatic shifts in industry sectors and the ability to absorb newer worker populations into existing industries. Analysis â€Å"There is no such thing as a free lunch†and this recent news about employment figures speaks to this in volumes. On the surface, it would appear this can be nothing but good news for all concerned but it certainly comes with tradeoffs and opportunity costs. The very fact that students are attending university instead of immediately going onto the job market demonstrates that full employment is not necessarily the best thing for an economy. In the end, economics appears to be about the effective use of finite time and resources. The Australian economy is considered by many Western observers to be one of the strongest in the industrialized world outpacing even the gargantuan economies of the EU and the United States. The large trade And mining sectors in Australia and careful attention to the Eastern economies in India and China are giving Australia a boost other Western nations simply don’t have: â€Å"The comments also chime with recent commentary from the RBA, which has been at pains to emphasise the importance of the rapidly growing Asia region to the economic outlook, stressing China and India's emergence as crucial factors for Australia's outlook and putting it above concerns about the US economy. â€Å"(Curran 2010,2) Is there a downside to the positive news about high employment? There are certainly trends which have a negative impact on the future. Take opportunity costs for instance, if most potential employees in an economy were to forego higher education and immediately jump into the market, where would the university students be? Here you have an example of a number of potential hires in the economy intentionally foregoing present consumption for future gain by measuring th e opportunity costs and taking the decision that a rather impoverished state now will yield substantially higher employment returns in remuneration in the future. Whether the engineer, doctor or attorney, large investments of time and resources are devoted to preparing for future employment for perceived greater gains in both salary and prestige. The forgone salary is significant but the potential future gains are clearly evident if the student continues to excel at university. In the case of doctors, one can spend almost a decade simply attending school and preparing for the various residencies required to establish professional credentials. From a scarcity perspective, fewer students will self-select to both see the grueling process through and have the means to remove themselves from the employment sector for that length of time. The opportunity costs for doctors tends to be so steep that it speaks to the higher salaries they commend once graduated due to the sheer lack of number s of students willing to suffer through the process of self-imposed privation and years of study. The Australian AMA was even concerned about the placement of students in shortage intern positions: â€Å"
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Foreign Banks Pros and Cons Essay Example for Free
Foreign Banks Pros and Cons Essay Today with the blessings of tremendous development in the communication technology, relationship and interdependence among the countries have been growing rapidly which signifies globalization as an ongoing process. Globalization helps the international business- that is engaging in cross border expansion of sales, acquiring resources and diversifying risk. Factor that benefiting the foreign banks in Bangladesh: Bangladesh is a developing country with a huge population. From the beginning of Bangladesh as an independent country it has been a desiring place for doing business for business organizations operating globally. This circumstance is existed in banking and other financial service sectors. There are some factors that benefitting the foreign banks operating in Bangladesh. 1. Extended sales in an enormously populated country with a low competition: Bangladesh is a country with a large population, so this place is a big market for the banks in a single boundary with a simple set of legislations. So the foreign banks operating in Bangladesh can serve a large group of customers with a single marketing policy. As now a day the business transactions are taken place through banks and house hold savings are kept in banks so the foreign banks do not have to be concerned about the demand. The local banks can not give a big competition as well. 2. Minimizing risk: As usual the multinational banks like other multinational corporations minimize risk by operating in Bangladesh. That means if the banking sector collapses in a country the multinational banks will not loose everything and it is a risk diversifying method. 3. Acquiring resources: The foreign banks operating in Bangladesh can acquire Bangladeshi capitals, information and human resources easily. The local expertise is keen to work in MLCs. So the foreign banks can acquire the local human resources easily at a very cheap rate compare to the global condition. Having the benefits in Bangladesh 10 local banks have established their operation in our country and working comfortably for years after years. Influences of foreign banks in Bangladesh: Benefits: 1. A boast in banking sector: Local banks are expected to react as the foreign banks enter to the country. The local banks here have changed their police in a positive way caused by healthy competition. 2. Bringing ne management and advertising techniques: foreign banks typically bring newer and more modernized management and advertising techniques in our banking sectors. The local banks can learn the modern techniques to cope up with the changing economic environment and globalization. 3. Introducing new modernized technology: In Bangladesh most of the modern financial technology such as ATM, different types of cards, off balance sheet accounting and the latest computing technology brought by foreign banks and spread out in whole banking sectors. 4. Helping in international trade: Aiding in the development of trade and foreign direct investment are presented by foreign banks. Such as opening an L/C in a multinational bank may be more helpful for the merchants. Problems: 1). Foreign domination: the established foreign banks have far greater brand value and economic capability than the local banks. So they can easily dominate by attracting customers. They also are being magnets for local human resources, so the local banks do not get the local expertises which also pull the local banks behind the multinational banks. 2). Lack of local commitment: the foreign banks lack commitment towards the country for some reasons not meeting some social responsibilities. 3.)Â Cream skimming behavior: though there is not much data available to prove this fact many people think that the foreign banks cream skim the market- taking disproportionate share of best local business away from domestic banks. 4). Unhealthy completion: introduction of foreign banks has added pressure to the local banks by increasing competition which results in risk taking of local banks. So the foreign banks of Bangladesh have a great influence in our economy in the form of pros and cons which are effectively altering our banking sector, with their operation.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Origins of Chattel Slavery in Colonial North America Essay
The Origins of Chattel Slavery in Colonial North America There have been many illuminating studies in the field of the origins of chattel slavery in Colonial North America. Alpert, 1970; Edmondson, 1976; Jordan, 1962: Ruchames, 1967; Starr, 1973, wrote seminal studies that did much to bring insight to the subject. Goetz, 2009; Mason, 2006; Smaje, 2002; Neeganagwedgin, 2012, presented evidence that have either reexamined old questions or used new methods and approaches to ask news questions to add insight to this topic. However, little has been written about indeginous slavery and its pycho-social impacts that still influence North American people today, or the political considerations that led to black society becoming chattel slaves. These topics have been under scutinized and their study would add insight and new perspective to this body of literature. In looking at the body of discourse the recurring themes of what came first; prejudice or slavery first is the most contested. Logically in order to enslave the master must find a means to establish the enslaved â€Å"otherness†and it seems that a primary means of doing so was and is ethnocentric superiority and religion. It doesn’t seem that one could justify morally, subjugating another without â€Å"knowing†that you were culturally, socially and morally superior to those you wanted to subjugate. In the majority of the studies, the idea that imposing values and religion on the subjugated as beneficial to the subjugated, was a primary theme, yet if there was no financial benefit it is doubtful that the slave system in the United States would have developed or had the impact that it has. Because of this reasoning, I believe that Jordan’s model is probably the closest to accurat... ...Press. Ruchames, L. (1967). The Sources of Racial Thought in Colonial America. Retrieved March 25, 2012, from Retrieved from URL: Smaje, C. (2002). Re-thinking the Origins Debate: Race Formation and Political Formations in England's Chesapeake Colonies. Journal of Historical Sociology, 15(2), 193-219. Starr, R. (1973). Historians and the Origin of British North American Slavery. The Historian, 36(1), 1-18. doi:DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-6563.1973.tb01523. Tomsett, F. (2000). 1606 and all that: The Virginia Conquest. Race and Class, 41, 29-14. doi:10.1177/0306396800413003 Wareing, J. (2002). Preventive and punitive regulation in seventeenth-century social policy: conflicts of interest and the failure to make ‘stealing and transporting Children, and other Person’s a felony. Social History, 27(3), 288-308. Doi:10.1080/03071020210159685
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Netsuite customer relationship management for the Banking Sector Essay
NetSuite is the world’s leading provider of on-demand business application software combining accounting and enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM) and ecommerce capabilities in a completely integrated solution. With over 12,000 customers globally, NetSuite companies are enabled to manage all key business operations uniting departments, automating processes and gaining unparalleled insight into their business. Netsuite is built around a single customer record, so all areas of the business; sales, support, accounting, distribution, shipping and billing, use the same information for every interaction. Because NetSuite gives vital business intelligence in real time, businesses can make informed decisions faster. Deliver better business management – powerful real-time, customisable dashboards, NetSuite business management software gives managers and employees the functionality, information and tools they need to manage their entire business better and streamline operations. Eliminate data re-entry – because NetSuite software is built on a single record for every aspect of business, there’s no need to waste time re-inputting data into separate systems. Eliminate IT maintenance and upgrade costs – NetSuite is cloud-based, business management software with a 99.5% uptime guarantee. This gives greater reliability and security while eliminating the need for on-site hardware and software. Make better decisions faster – NetSuite business management software gives real-time business intelligence dashboards for any and every aspect of the organisation from leads, commissions, sales revenue and forecasts to bank balances, receivable and payable anywhere and anytime. Increase collaboration – NetSuite SaaS offers portals that allow customers, partners and vendors to collaborate allowing organisations to get closer to customers and partners, move quickly and seize opportunities.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Atm Skimming
â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- ATM Skimming An Ethical Look April 16, 2013 In the world we live in today our currency is promises. Our money is just paper backed by the promise of the United States government to back it up with hard currency, i. e. gold. Due to our lack of hard currency in everyday life there are many different ways to pay for things. These include: checks, credit cards, paper currency, and bank cards. One thing that has not changed about money is that, like every other thing valuable, people will try to steal it no matter its form.One of the most damaging types of thefts now is that of ATM (Automated Teller Machine) Skimming. Most people keep the bulk of their capital in banks. They use ATMs to access that money. Thieves have a way to conspicuously steal the information unique to their accounts so they can access others’ money. This is devastating to people and it is this issue on which I write. On February 12, 2013 an article was written. It was entitled ‘How alleged crooks used ATM skimmers to compromise thousands of accounts’. Federal Authorities have charged two men with running an operation to gain control of over 6,000 bank accounts.The banks targeted included: Capital One, J. P. Morgan Chase, among others. These criminals bought card readers and installed them on top of ATMs and doors to ATMs. They also made hidden pinhole cameras to watch people put in their pins. These people supposedly led a group of 9 or more people who put these devices all over cities. These cities included Manhattan, Chicago, and Milwaukee. The people would then use the information to make fake cards, which would be used for false purchases and withdrawals. This operation had â€Å"stash locations†to manage the information.One such facility had hundreds of hours of footage showing PINs being input. More than 1,000 blank cards were also fo und here. Due to the gravity of the crimes these men face around 40 years in jail. Prosecutors are also moving to seize $3 million from the men. The article goes on to say that ATM skimming has been going on for a decade and thieves are constantly improving their methods. The article suggests that the ATM skimming has been around for over ten years. That surprised me because I had only heard of this recently. Just like all technology, the technology that thieves use to perfect this form of theft also improves with time.The article also indicates that even though law enforcement and the general public are more aware, that this type of theft will not go away any time soon. The bible says that people perish for lack of knowledge. I believe news shows like Dateline NBC and 60 minutes should create stories around this issue. These shows have a large number of viewers and are shown during primetime. Their reporters are well respected and the information they provide is factual and the rep orters are credible. People also should become more aware of their surroundings. There are some precautions a person may keep in mind when using the ATM machine.One precaution is using the machine in daylight or well lit areas. Well lit areas can ensure that one is able to check the machine for any abnormalities or devices that may appear foreign in nature. Another precaution is to use a walk up versus a drive through machine. Driver through machines may be more awkward to maneuver from a car window and thus not as easy to investigate for abnormalities. A final suggestion is to use the ATM attached to a bank with which you are familiar. Convenience stores, dry cleaners, and even gas stations now have ATM machines as incentive to pay with cash for an advertised discount.Many of these machines are sponsored by companies that are not familiar to most consumers. I do not trust this kind of ATM and believe them to be the most susceptible to this kind of theft. What better way to manipula te the ATM machine than to build one and then entice people to use your machine? Banks also have a huge responsibility to inform its customers of the risk factors associated with using an ATM machine. When a person opens an account there should be a brief overview of this threat and even a pamphlet that outlines warning signs and indicators that the ATM may be compromise. Stealing funds from a bank is a federal offense.Though punishable by imprisonment, I would like to see legislation that toughens the sentencing guidelines around this issue. Preying on innocent people who are trying to access their own money is should be punishable to the fullest extent of the law. It should not be treated as a white collar crime where the criminal, after being found guilty, spends a few years in a federal â€Å"country club†. They should be made to serve time with other harden criminals and ordered to pay restitution to their victims. The bottom line is we live in a world where some people will always try to create a way to steal from others.These are the people who would rather take advantage of someone versus making an honest living at a worthwhile endeavor. Knowing this we must always keep our eyes open and our minds alert, especially when using an ATM machine. Technological advances will make this difficult for the novice and doing business with a bank that provides for return of your funds if stolen is a plus. However, the feeling of violation when someone takes what rightfully belongs to you and the inconvenience of filing the report and waiting the return of your money are even more recent to stay informed on this issue and be very cautious when using an ATM machine.The act of ATM skimming breaks almost every guideline in the ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Article 1. 1 of the ACM Code of Ethics States that we should â€Å"Contribute to society and human well-being†The acts that I have described were the opposite of this ideal. These thieve s selfishly used their knowledge of technology to take advantage of a system and profit from it at the expense of society and human well-being. Other articles that these criminals violated were Article 1. 7 â€Å"Respect the privacy of others†and Article 1. â€Å"Honor confidentiality†. They violated others’ privacy in order to gain from their information. The very core of the ideas from the ACM Code of Conduct stems from the belief that we as technical minded people should help and not hurt others with our knowledge. The advantage that we have been given is to be used for the benefit of, and not the detriment of others. I feel as though these individuals should be given a fair trial under the laws of the United States Court system. If they are found guilty they should be punished to the full extent of the law.They stole from people using knowledge that would have been better served toward helping others than hurting others. They took advantage of the system in a way that was unethical and hurtful. They should repent to society. Bibliography Council, ACM. ACM Code of Ethics. 16 10 1992. Web Site. 16 April 2013. Goodin, Dan. â€Å"How alleged crooks used ATM skimmers to compromise thousands of accounts. †Ars Technica (2013). Internet. Hampton University. Student Technology Guide. n. d. PDF File. 16 April 2013.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Hortatory Discourse in Rhetoric
Hortatory Discourse in Rhetoric Speech or writing that urges or commands an audience to follow (or not follow) a particular course of action. It is also called hortatory rhetoric. Examples of Hortatory Speeches: I want you to get mad!I dont want you to protest. I dont want you to riot. I dont want you to write to your Congressman, because I wouldnt know what to tell you to write. I dont know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street.All I know is that first, youve got to get mad.Youve gotta say, Im a human being, goddammit! My life has value!So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell, Im as mad as hell, and Im not going to take this anymore!(Peter Finch as Howard Beale in Network, 1976)Please forget that we are anarchists. Forget that it is claimed that we propagated violence. Forget that something appeared in Mother Earth when I was thousands of miles away, three years ago. Forget all that, and merely consider the evidence. Have we been engaged in a conspiracy? Has that conspiracy been proven? Have we committed overt acts? Have those overt acts been proven? We for the defense say they have not been proven. And therefore your verdict must be not guilty.(Emma Goldman, address to the jury on July 9, 1917) Young America, dream. Choose the human race over the nuclear race. Bury the weapons and dont burn the people. Dreamdream of a new value system. Teachers who teach for life and not just for a livingteach because they cant help it. Dream of lawyers more concerned about justice than a judgeship. Dream of doctors more concerned about public health than personal wealth. Dream of preachers and priests who will prophesy and not just profiteer. Preach and dream!(Jesse Jackson, speech at the Democratic National Convention, July 18, 1984) Observations: Discourse as a Play: Narrative, Expository, and Hortatory[A] metaphor that has proven particularly useful in several theoretical approaches to discourse and communication . . . is summarized as discourse is a play. The idea is that a person who intends to communicate an idea is like the director of a play. The speaker has an image in mind, and uses linguistic tools to encourage some audience to create a similar image in their minds. . . . The scene may be an actual or fictional series of events occurring over time, in which case we may say that the discourse produced is narrative. Or the scene may involve a description of some concrete thing or abstract idea, in which case the speaker engages in expository discourse. Sometimes a speaker will use language to describe ways the speaker would like the audience to behave. This would be called hortatory discourse.(Thomas E. Payne, Understanding English Grammar. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2011)In hortatory discourse, the composer of the discour se is especially likely to get involved with his subject matter and his audience and to urge on them a certain course of conduct by virtue of the prestige invested in this person.(Robert E. Longacre, The Grammar of Discourse, 2nd ed. Springer, 1996) Hortatory discourse can be seen as valuable in its own right. It can be seen as having a different purpose from the conveying of factual information. And the argumentation that is used to fulfill it, can be seen as legitimate in its own right, as a type of discourse distinct from information-seeking discourse.(Douglas Walton, Ethical Argumentation. Lexington Books, 2003) Pronunciation: HOR-teh-tor-ee
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Word Choice Where, Were and Were - Proofeds Writing Tips
Word Choice Where, Were and Were - Proofeds Writing Tips Word Choice: Where, We’re and Were Although where, were and were each have completely different meanings, some people seem to think they are interchangeable. However, making this error in a piece of academic writing will look bad to your reader, especially if you make repeated errors throughout your paper. Such mistakes can even undermine the content of your argument, so it’s a good idea to get a handle on what each of these words mean and when you should use them. Where (Location) The word where means is used when identifying a geographical place, location or circumstance. For instance, it can be used to ask a question about the position of something, like Where is my book? Alternatively, it can be used to specify or describe the location of something, as in, I left my book in the library where I do my research. Here, for example, identifying the where in the sentence shows that we are referring to a specific library (the one where the speaker does her research). In a more abstract sense, where can also be used to suggest holding a particular position or point of view on something. For example, we might say This is where we stand on the issue. We’re (We Are) The word we’re is a contraction of the two words we and are. It would be used in a sentence like this: We’re going to the grocery store. Please note, however, that contractions like were are generally considered informal, so shouldnt normally be used in academic writing. Were The word were is related to the verb be used when discussing the past. To be specific, it is the second person singular past, plural past, and past subjunctive of be. This might seem confusing, but if we break down what it actually means it becomes easier to understand. The second person singular pronoun, for instance, is you, while the plural past tense includes we, you and they. In all of these cases, were is effectively the past tense of are: Present Tense Past Tense First Person (Singular) I am†¦ I was†¦ First Person (Plural) We are†¦ We were†¦ Second Person (Singular and Plural) You are†¦ You were†¦ Third Person (Singular) He/she is†¦ He/she was†¦ Third Person (Plural) They are†¦ They were†¦ Were is also correct when referring to a plural noun in the past tense. It would therefore be used in a past tense sentence like As we were walking in the garden, butterflies were dancing through the air. The other usage of were which is as the past subjunctive of be and something which people often get wrong. The past subjunctive is mainly used when referring to a counterfactual possibility (i.e., something which could be true but isnt). For example, we could say, Were I to use grammar correctly, my grades would improve. The mistake people make here is using was instead of were in statements that start with if regarding the future. For instance, while many would say: If I was to pass my exam, I would be very happy. This is technically wrong. The correct formulation would be: If I were to pass my exam, I would be very happy.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Writing - Essay Example The system accepts one’s driving license as a proof of citizenship. This move may result into many states adopting the feature into their systems; though debate keeps ranging on whether the judges shall rule against or for the case. The authorities in the state say that they shall be alert to prove on what the law stands for in Alabama. In the meantime, the A-L program will continue being effective. In the news, Elliott (2009) continues to argue that the Representative of the Revenue Department, Julie Magee is said to be very optimistic on this move to stop the earlier non-compliance concerns in the Immigration Department. Magee is quoted saying that she might not really know much on the expenditure of the A-L verify system but is very aware that the functioning of the system will benefit Alabama in a great way, from her explanation on how the system works. It may be too late for the law to restrain the move as it has already been implemented in a way, and is functioning really well. With the Hispanic population standing at about a hundred and forty five, just a minute section of the population, judge Blackburn is said to rule on the Alabama case. It is evident that the financial burden on the shoulders of the populace has been too heavy. Though the law might affect so many farmers negatively, through discouragement of the Hispanic population working on the farms, the Alabama citizens are extremely eager to get away with the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Suggesting Violent Computer Games are Morally Wrong Essay
Suggesting Violent Computer Games are Morally Wrong - Essay Example This paper shall analyse moral arguments on whether or not playing violent games are morally wrong. It will mostly consider the argument that playing violent video games are not morally wrong and various moral theorists shall be considered in order to support this position. Body Violent computer games have increased in type and number in recent years. Coupled with the increase of sales in home computers, more people seem to be engaged in these types of games. Violent video games have also been made more graphic in their portrayals of violence (McCormick, 2001). The features of these games also include screams from victims, recoil from gun shooting, writhing victims, blood splatter from victims, as well as flying and severed body parts. The players also have options in terms of weapons to use including grenades, machine guns, flame throwers, rail guns, sniper rifles, and similar weapons (McCormick, 2001). As more improvements in gaming have been introduced in recent years, the clamour for further improvements seems to be detected from the gamers. And the gaming companies are ready to comply with these demands. With these gaming activities, concerns have been forwarded on the fact that violence in video games seem to be desensitizing the gamers to violence and death, possibly making it easier for them to commit acts of violence in the future (McCormick, 2001). It is easy enough to understand these views especially with the actual reports involving children and adolescents who are re-enacting or testing what they have been playing in their video games (Dill, 1998). On the other hand, others argue that the act of playing a game, even if it is very realistic is not immoral because in the first place, the game is far from real. What matters in the end are the real actions of real humans in the real world (McCormick, 2001). Acting violent in a video game is not equivalent to actually acting violent in real life. The simulation of acts which represent morally objection able activities is not per se a morally objectionable activity because giving moral credit in such a way would be tantamount to giving moral credit or passing judgment over an actor playing a murderous role in a movie (McCormick, 2001). Based on these considerations, the issue on whether or not playing video games is morally objectionable is now a valid moral consideration. There are various ways to evaluate the issue. One way would be through the utilitarianism moral theory. The utilitarian theory highlights the fact that people object to video games because of its consequences and because these video games seem to contribute to the tragic outcomes seen in school shootings or violent altercations among adolescents (Durkin and Lowe, 1998). Under normal conditions, playing video games is not a dangerous act on its own. Based on Bentham’s utilitarianism, acts are good so long as they ensure benefits to people, and they are bad to the extent that they cause harm to other people (Mill, 1998). Based on these general ideas, utilitarianism may argue that violent video games are morally unacceptable because they increase the risk for harm. However, this increased risk of harm cannot be the only consideration for utilitarianism (Mill, 1998). Based on utilitarian grounds, the negative impact of the violent games has to outweigh the positive impact. So far however, the positive impact of video games seems to be outweighing its negative
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Compare and contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Compare and contrast - Essay Example The core focus should be getting others to comprehend one’s ideas, feelings, and thoughts through the use of clear, simple, and precise words. Discussion Lederer love for English is demonstrated his praise for the marvelous richness. In the Case for Short Words, Lederer praises small words as he asserts that the quality of any writing is not gauged on the number of long words that writers use. Lederer asserts that well-chosen monosyllabic words can be equally effective since they are functional and carry a powerful punch. Lederer argues that when people speak and write, there is no rule that stipulates that people have to utilize big words (Rosa and Eschholz 161). Lederer holds that small words illuminate on significant things; indeed, complex words at certain times appear strange to the eye and ear, as well as in the mind. Lederer uses figurative language in highlighting that short words are sharp like a blade to a knife. Studies have demonstrated that twenty words account fo r close to 25% of all spoken English words, and all twenty are monosyllable. Lederers cites studies, which have demonstrated that the fifty most common words within written English are each comprised of a single syllable. Lederer notes that Orators and poets have appreciated the power of small words to make a straight point between two minds, which is demonstrated by the power carried by proverbs. In the essay on simplicity, Zinsser exposes what he cites as writers number one challenge-clutter. Zinsser views Americans as â€Å"strangling with unnecessary words, pompous frills, meaningless jargon, and circular constructions (Rosa and Eschholz 177). Zinsser observes that Americans has a tendency to inflate and hence sound necessary, to the extent that when a sentence appears too simple, some people thinks there is something wrong with the sentence. Zinsser’s solution to this problem lies in writers knowing what they want to express and to think clearly as they start with their composition. Zinsser asserts that the writer’s self-discipline and hard work are critical components to attaining concise, simple prose. Clear thinking translates to clear writing and no one can exist devoid of the other (Rosa and Eschholz 178). Zinsser cited studies, which have revealed that the reader is an elusive creature whose attention span only lasts about 30 seconds. Hence, the multiple forces competing for the reader’s attention may make it difficult for the reader to keep pace with the train of thought (Behrens 59). Hence, writers must at all times ask, what they are trying to express and evaluate the wiring to gauge whether they have said it. Lederer demonstrates this assertion in the example of few paragraphs written in short words. Lederer also utilizes figurative language to deliver his point by outlining a list of words to use and nor to use. Lederer further reinforces his ideas through the use of famous authors’ texts (Rosa and Eschholz 162). Le derer utilizes two diverse skill levels of writers to demonstrate why it is alright to utilize short words. In his conclusion, Lederer speaks directly to the reader to inform them that if short words can be utilized by famous writers, then readers can as well use short words. Zinsser asserts
Sunday, October 27, 2019
A Study On Bangkok Tourism Essay
A Study On Bangkok Tourism Essay Abstract This project A study on Bangkok tourism- The Future of Bangkok tourism puts forward a detail study on tourism in Thailand especially Bangkok as a tourist destination. This study is made at the appropriate time because the tourism sector plays an important role in tourism industry and in the recession period right when people are thinking that tourism industry in down. This paper aims to provide a light on how tourism has made the economy to boost over the past three years. Research was conducted to understand about the efforts taken by the government to boost tourism in Bangkok. Finally recommendations are also provided at the end of the research which would help in the further development of the tourism in Bangkok. The analysis and the discussions based on the questionnaire is also given in detail. Introduction About Bangkok Bangkok is a famous tourist destination in south East Asia. It is one of the most cosmopolitan, contrasting and, above all, compelling of Asian cities. More than ten million reside here and it is a steamy and pulsating metropolis there is no dull moment in Bangkok city. Whether youre a spectator, looking for an entertainment or physically active, youll be surprised with the vast choices the city has to offer. Bangkoks modern, multi-storey shopping malls are a shopaholics paradise you will find the citys finest fashion stores, global brands, book shops, specialty stores, accessories stands and all kinds of luxury designer lifestyle goods. There are two important malls in particular which attracts more people than others. According to a leading tourism site, The Emporium is like a glossy magazine come to life. Behold the seven layers of shoppers paradise, where the first three floors are dedicated solely to fashion. Exclusive world-class brand names dominate the ground floor, hot international designer items, leather and jewellery the first floor, and glamorous garb for the young and trendy, the second. Fashionist as, this is your playground. And here is another mall under this review, From a sporty yellow Ferrari to a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes, Siam Paragon is a shopping mall without rival in Southeast Asia when it comes to luxury goods. This shopping and entertainment complex is an up market, five-storey colossus with 500,000 square metres of retail space. The gleaming, modern mall opened in December 2005 at a cost of 15 billion baht (US$ 375 million), and is home to more than 250 famed international and local luxury brands Tourism Industry in Bangkok Over all Bangkok is a mix of old and new, classic yet trendy and very traditional yet modern. Visitors from all over the world visit Bangkok to experience the beauty of the Buddhas smile. Thailands tourism industry makes up about 6.5 percent of the countrys GDP. When seeing the number of tourists, and the number of tourist destinations and hotels, one would actually expect a more substantial portain of GDP. But Thailands tourism industry, while very visible, brings in much less money than other service industries, and certainly less than its manufacturing industry. Nevertheless, international visitors spent more than 547 billion baht (something like 16 billion U.S. Dollars) in 2008. The average length of stay per tourist in 2007 was 9 days. Impact of the Regional Interestingly, the tourism sector does not only depend on foreign visitors. The number of domestic tourists actually dwarfs the number of foreign tourists. But domestic tourists (mostly Thais) do spend much less per day and their trips are shorter, on average two days and a half. In 2007 there were reportedly more than 83 million in-country travel trips. This created 380 billion baht in revenue. Average daily expenditure was around 1770 baht per person in 2007 (as compared to 4120 baht per person for international tourism). In 2008, 52.37 % of international tourists were East Asian, with Malaysia and Japan providing the most visitors. Close to two million Malaysians visited Thailand. I assume they take short trips over the Thai-Malaysian border, and I think the number of Malaysian visitors, excessively inflates the total number of international visitors. Europeans provided close to 4 million visitors in 2008, about 27.22 % of the total. The number of visitors from the Americas, South Asia and Africa, is much smaller. However, close to 700,000 Australians visited Thailand, which is actually an enormous number, when taking the total population of Australia into account. The number of foreign tourists visiting Thailand over the first eight months of this year (2009) dropped 14.1 per cent from the same period last year to only 8.9 million, according to deputy spokesman of the Democrat Party, Atthawit Suwanphakdee, Mr Athhawat attributed the declining to impacts of the Songkran riots by the anti-government red-shirts in April and the pandemic of the A (H1N1) flu virus. However, he was confident that the situation of the tourism sector will improve in the fourth quarter of the year as the number of foreign arrivals is increasing. The graph below shows the number of tourist arrivals in the first quarter and second quarter of 2009 were 3,64 million and 2,96 million respectively. These figures were lower than during the first 2 quarters of 2007 or 2008. In the third quarter of 2009 we see that the number of visitors is similar to the number of visitors in both 2007 and 2009, suggesting that the worst in over. Preliminary data for October 2009 show an increase in visitors as compared to October 2008. Based on these reports the aim of this project is to find the shopping experience of people visiting two malls namely, the Emporium shopping Mall and Siam Paragon Shopping Mall. We planned according and executed this survey successfully and hence we submit our report, analysis and discussions based on the survey results. Source: Literature review Trying to get information from books I went to the library and local book stores to get books on Thailand and to know about Bangkok, its history, culture, religion and traditions etc. one book which I found was Eyewitness Travel Guide to Thailand. This travel guide was written by Philip Cornwel and the book is published by the Dorling Kindersley Publishing. It had 504 pages and was priced at $17.50. it offers easy access to Thai history, politics, music, festivals, sports and culture. It also has lists of hotels and restaurants, shopping places, golf, diving, white water rafting and several pictures and maps related to the information provided. It was a very practical guide overall. The next book I took for reference is Lonely Planet Thailand, written by Joe Cummings, Sandra Bao, China Williams and Steven Martin. I got it from Amazon books and it was priced $18.19. it was more like a survival guide with in depth information on Thai spa, resorts, culture and some important phrases and words to remember etc. it has nearly 148 maps which were very easy to follow and I found this particular book very helpful. Lonely planet is a series of books focused on specify locations in Thailand such as, lonely planet Thailands Islands and Beaches, Lonely Planet Chiang Mai Northern Thailand, Lonely Planet Bangkok etc. As I was to go to Bangkok I ordered the Lonely Planet Bangkok, from Amazon for $14.00 it was authored and published by Michelin Publications. This book had a 4 star review in Amazon and true to this fact this book was a tourist marvel. It is recommended to everyone traveling to Bangkok as it is a treasure house of informations on all aspects of the city and overall about Thailand. The food, night markets, day bazaars etc which no travel guide will take you in real can be seen reviewed here in this book. A total and complete guide t the shopping festivals and other celebrations in Bangkok and the right time to visit, places to see and other attractions in around the city is all focused and explained very well. Many more online resources are also helpful but nothing can be more comfortable than having a travel guide in hand with maps to read. It is not always possible to carry your laptops and work on them for details. I carried all the books with me during the trip and found them to be very useful. I learned some common phrases and I used them. Local people were very delighted to see a foreign student speaking their language. Thus these books made my trip more memorable and lively. My experiences were enhanced through these books. Methodology When we decided to conduct a survey the first thing we did was plan. We first prepared the questionnaire as per our requirement and choose two famous shopping malls as our target for this survey. Once the questions were ready we decided how many people we should target. We set the number as 60. We took print outs of the 60 copies of the questionnaire and set out on our educational tour to Bangkok. We successfully finished the survey in the two malls, Emporium shopping Mall and Siam Paragon Shopping Mall. It was a great experience interacting with tourist from different nations. They were very co-operative and were happy to help us by answering the questionnaire. Based on the questionnaire we prepared an analysis and discussion below. We found out why people visit Bangkok and why they loved to shop in the malls. We also found some online data about the tourist flow in Bangkok over the period of years. The local residents were not that co operative as foreigners. They were very serious and some refused to take the survey. The staff of the mall and many shop owners was very friendly and they asked us about why we were conducting survey and what we were doing. It was great experience to interact with local businessman. We even asked them about how foreigners come to the mall and what exactly attracts them in their stores. They agreed that economic slowdown has affected tourism in Bangkok as fewer tourists turned up this year. This indeed had effect on their own business they said very sadly. Overall it was a great exposure to us as we knew how to interact and communicate with people. We were able to balance between the good and bad aspects that we encountered in the malls. We learned to address all types of people and we learned how to communicate politely. Analysis and discussion Analysis of the Questionnaire Emporium Shopping Mall In the above graph you see the first question from the questionnaire asking Are you resident of Bangkok? Almost 80% of people who took the survey were residents. And among the 20% who were non residents answered the second question which was is this your first visit to Bangkok? almost 90% tourist were first time visitors. The third question was how they knew about the mall. In this question we did find one major factor that travel sites helped lesser in finding the best shopping malls in the city. People found out more from friends, online forums and social media networks. Next coming to the main topic about what they liked about the Emporium mall many answered that they like the service and the ambience more. The cost they felt was bit costly yet they found it worth the money they spend. The food wasnt very impressive in the food court in the mall. Overall service was the leading force for the malls success. The overall rating was GREAT as against good (30%), bad and not bad (1%) the same feedback was also noted about the shopping experience. Many liked the interiors and the ambience. The huge area and space attracted others and they were not very attracted by the food and other things. Almost 95% wanted to come back again for the same experince. Almost 95% felt they can relate this mall to that they show in other countries. This is alarming as this means this mall is not as unique as it looks like. Similarities do exist between others and this mall. 90% of the people felt that they got what they wanted or found things which were very impressive. Another astonishing fact was that people felt that it was a mix of west and east. Not many felt it was old fashioned, eastern or western in particular. Some people felt irritated by the huge crowd but many others loved and had no irritations. The mode of transport to and from the mall was by Taxi mostly and the next important mode of transport was the public transport like bus, metros etc. many people like the tuktuk ride across the city. Many people who stayed nearby walked to the mall. Most of them felt that reaching the mall was very easy. Many visitors felt that this mall was a one stop place for all their needs. But many felt they had other options. They visited the place for specify items alone. People in the age group of 20-30 visited the malls very often and the next was people from age group 40-59. Youngsters below 20 were the next in lead and not many silvers above 60 were seen around. Almost without any gender bias men and women were seen coming to the mall. There was no big difference. Married people seem to come her more than singles. It is more sophisticated and hence singles dont prefer coming here. It is also very crowed and not a preferred hangout for singles. Among the visitors almost 90% were Asian and closely following were Americans. Other nationalities counted less. Many were into private sector jobs or owned their own business establishments. Students also visited these malls more than the government employees. The occupation mostly of the visitors was public sector. Siam Paragon Shopping Mall In the above graph you see the first question from the questionnaire asking Are you resident of Bangkok? 10% of people who took the survey were residents. And almost 90% who were not residents answered the second question which was is this your first visit to Bangkok? almost 90% tourist were first time visitors. The third question was how they knew about the mall. In this question we did find one major factor that online information and travel sites helped a lot in finding the best shopping malls in the city. People found out from friends, online forums and social media networks. Next coming to the main topic about what they liked about the Emporium mall many answered that they like the service and the ambience more. The cost they felt was bit costly yet they found it worth the money they spend. The food wasnt very impressive in the food court in the mall. Overall ambience was the leading force for the malls success. The overall rating was Good as against great(60%), and not bad (1%) the feedback was just the opposite about the shopping experience. People found it Great to shop here and many felt it was not bad. Many liked the ambience,interiors and the huge area. The food attracted others. Almost 90% wanted to come back again for the same experince Almost 95% felt they can relate this mall to that they show in other countries. This is alarming as this means this mall is not as unique as it looks like. Similarities do exist between others and this mall. 90% of the people felt that they got what they wanted or found things which were very impressive. Another astonishing fact was that people felt that it was a mix of west and east. Not many felt it was old fashioned, eastern or western in particular. Some people felt irritated by the huge crowd but many others loved and had no irritations. The mode of transport to and from the mall was by Taxi mostly and the next important mode of transport was the public transport like bus, metros etc. many people like the tuktuk ride across the city. Many people who stayed nearby walked to the mall. Most of them felt that reaching the mall was very easy. Many visitors felt that this mall was a one stop place for all their needs. But many felt they had other options. They visited the place for specify items alone. People in the age group of 20-30 visited the malls very often and the next was people from age group 40-59. Youngsters below 20 were the next in lead and not many silvers above 60 were seen around. Almost without any gender bias men and women were seen coming to the mall. But men were seen slightly more than women. There was no big difference though. Married people seem to come less than singles. It is a heaven for singles to hang out. Asians visited this mall most followed by other nationals like Americans, Africans, Latino and others. As for the occupation of the visitors who visited the mall, it was found that students came here the most. They liked the place very well and it was their favorite hangout with friends. People working in government and public sector jobs came lesser and business people visited lesser. Discussions: When comparing the shopping experience in both the malls we found a vast difference in the data we collected through the questionnaire. The results were totally in contrast in some areas and in some fields both were almost the same. We found that more residents visited the Emporium Mall while more foreigners visited the Siam Paragon Shopping Mall. Most of the visitors were first timers. Both places people liked the ambience and the services. The cost in the malls was high in both malls and the type of people visiting the malls also varied a lot. Many young people and single people preferred visiting the Siam Paragon Shopping Mall. It was a best hangout for youngsters and students in particular. Senior people preferred the Emporium mall. We were able to find this out through questions like their age and occupation. Next comes the source of information. Many people found information about the city online through forums, social media networking sites and travel sites. This sows how online media is helping tourism a lot. And as for the ethnicity we find Asians visiting the place more than the westerners. Which means this area is still to be tapped by the tourism industry. By promoting Bangkok in the western world there are greater chances of attracting people from European and American countries. Overall the goal to find out the shopping experience in the two malls was achieved and very important details were analyzed. Limitation We faced certain limitations and problems when we started our survey at the two malls. First was the reluctance from the individuals to spend few minutes to fill up the questionnaire. Many westerns were too obliged to help and they even spend some time to ask us about our education. They were very friendly and concerned. But local residents were irritated when we stopped them and most of them refused to stop. After the survey we found out that unique websites must be created to promote Bangkok tourism. A best tourism promotion strategy must be developed by the tourism depart to invite foreigners to Bangkok. We also saw placed which were not well maintained. Government should take steps to maintain its rich tradition and culture. Moreover the fees for entering historic places and Buddha temples were very high. This also must be reduced. Conclusion My trip to Bangkok was a great success as I was not only enjoying with my friends I was also learning new things that was enriching my knowledge. The city of Bangkok is thronged by tourists from all nations who come here for many varied reasons. Our plan was to find out what made Bangkok a preferred tourist destination in the eyes of the tourists. We planned to conduct a survey in two famous shopping malls in Bangkok. We prepared the questionnaire accordingly and finished the survey successfully. After analyzing the report we have discussed certain issues and limitations. Overall this entire trip was very useful for my studies. It gave me self confidence and the courage to go to new countries and converse and relate to people who come from many nations. Bangkok is a great city rich in culture, religion, tradition etc and is also a very modern city with a touch of western culture too. So foreigners prefer this city and they come here to see the eastern tradition, to know more about Buddhism, to visit all historic places in and around Bangkok, and also to experience the exotic Thai food which is world famous. The aim of this project was to find the shopping experience of people visiting the two malls, namely the Emporium shopping Mall and Siam Paragon Shopping Mall. Our goal was achieved successfully and we are now confident enough to conduct more studies and surveys in future. References (Lonely Planet, 1992) Lonely Planet Phrasebook Thai for Lovers (Nit and Jack Adjee, 1997) Top 10 Bangkok (Eyewitness Top 10 Travel Guides) by DK Publishing Thailand (Country Guide) by China Williams Thailands Islands Beaches (Regional Guide) by Celeste Brash Top 10 Hong Kong (EYEWITNESS TOP 10 TRAVEL GUIDE) by DK Publishing Thailand (Country Guide) by China Williams, Austin Bush, Brandon Presser, and Tim Bewer (Paperback Aug. 1, 2009) Thailand: The Golden Kingdom by William Warren et al and Luca Invernizzi Tettoni (Hardcover Sept. 15, 1999) Thailands Islands Beaches (Regional Guide) by Andrew Burke and Austin Bush (Paperback Aug. 1, 2008)
Friday, October 25, 2019
Return To Babylon - Analysis Essay -- essays research papers
Return To Babylon - Analysis "He would come back some day; they couldn’t make him pay forever. But he wanted his child, and nothing was much good now, beside that fact. He wasn’t young any more, with a lot of nice thoughts and dreams to have by himself. He was absolutely sure Helen wouldn’t have wanted him to be so alone." The final paragraph in the story shows how much Charlie loved his daughter, and how much he needs her to complete his life. In "Babylon Revisited" Charlie was treated unfairly and should have won the custody of Honoria. Charlie’s regret of how he lived in the past is proved repeatedly throughout the story and even with the hardship of losing his wife and daughter, Charlie was still able to put his life back together. The mistakes he made in the past were not all his fault; there was a problem in the stock market that put a heavy burden on his shoulders. He has done more than enough to show Marion that he has changed and is capable of taking care of Honoria. However, the story may also be a bit biased considering that the narrator may not be a reliable person. There are also certain situations in the story, which questions Charlie’s sincerity about how much he has changed. Charlie’s love for Honoria is the biggest reason for him to regain her custody. Throughout the story, Charlie has expressed how much he loves Honoria and how much he needs her in his life. Honoria also expresses how much she loves her father and how much she misses him. She tells her father more than once that she would rather live with him than with her Aunt Marion. To separate a father and daughter from each other is both devastating and cruel. It is hard to understand why Marion would not let Charlie have Honoria, when Honoria expresses so much love for her father. "From behind the maid who opened the door darted a lovely little girl of nine who shrieked ‘Daddy!’ and flew up, struggling like a fish, into his arms. She pulled his head around by one ear and set her cheek against his. ‘My old pie,’ he said ‘Oh, daddy, daddy, daddy, dads, dads, dads!’ The narrator does not hesitate to show how much Honoria and Charlie care for each other. Though Honoria was just a little girl, growing up without a father is still harsh. Still her love for Charlie is unconditional, and questions about the past are not brought up. Their strong relationship is alm... ...reliable is not a good enough reason for me to believe that Charlie is not responsible enough. I think that we have to give the narrator a certain amount of trust because he is the one telling the story and we have no other sources to compare with. If the narrator cannot be considered reliable then the story itself should not be trustworthy enough to read. So we must deal with the facts that are given to us and base most of the decisions on them. With this in mind I look at the situation evenly and try not to fully believe the narrator but still consider what he is saying. I understand that Charlie made a big mistake and hurt not only himself, but those that loved him. There is no excuse for what he did. However, I still believe that the strong bond that is between Honoria and Charlie is unbreakable. Being raised in a family where the strength of love has endured all types of hardships, I have experienced that nothing could ever sever those connections. Loving someone does not me an that Honoria or Marion should try to forget the mistakes Charlie had made or the heartaches he has given them. But instead, to love someone is to learn how to understand and most importantly to forgive.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Fair and Lovely Human skin color ranges In variety, from the darkest brown to the lightest plank's- white. Recently, I saw a video about skin color In India. I was surprised and devastated . Their skin color affects their status in society there. They can be denied education, jobs etc. A fair skin person is considered attractive regardless that the person have a healthy figure. My shocking discovery was that many Indian people, mostly women are so obsessed with fair skin. They will go to the ends of the Earth to lighter there skin.They believe ark skin complexion is ugly and the lighter guarantees more opportunities in life. For example If you are fair skin there are bigger changes to get married , get better job and better opportunities in life. Issues that dark skin girls face are different for each girl. One girl was told that she Is a dark skin and Just because of that she will not will be wealthy and rich In her life. That her dark skin complexion will not bring her a husband. H ow was she feeling about that?She TLD get too upset because she knew that she will find someone that will like her for who she is. After being rejected couple times finally she found her husband with who now she has family. But not only now, Indian people are having this issue long time ago. Elder people are telling how some of them had been rejected and some of the weddings also been canceled. The girls had been called ugly. One girls said that she was feeling angry but on the end of the day she knows that not only the outside look what is important is inside too, it's the persons heart.One of the way they are trying to get fair skin Is by using fair skin cream. The fairness creams marketing strategies, which show that a girl can't get married unless she Is fair, change the mindset of Individuals. The visual media has changed Its strategy so much that even fair skin people also use fairness products They use different types of cream. One of them is the power brand called Fair and L ovely. Skin lightening products like this one is not Just used locally, the usage goes viral. The advertising they have for the cream is Just amazing .From the way how they are advertising it to the enormous number of users. Most of them tried to light their skin while on the other side the rest of the population face the problem, accepting It and moving on In life. My attention was drawn to the young dark skin boy, the way how he was treated from the people around him, his friends especially from his teachers. He tried to get fair skin with using creams. The influence from his surrounding affected his decision to different from the other kids. Imagine having no friends in school Just because of your skin color? Ewing ashamed of himself not wanting to be social with fear that his errs might beat him up because of his skin color. The way how they talked to him , the influence that it had on him like a young person who is now developing his morals, his personality , his behavior. I am glad that he is not that influenced from the teachers and that and that he has his family support to grow and develop by accepting his dark skin color like straight not weakness. Man also have been influenced by this trend of bleaching skin. They also thing that being like skin can bring you more opportunities in life.They still believe that if you are dark skin you are poor person and no wealthy. Through the different stages this fair skin stereotyping or Colorist has a different effect. From its impact on self-esteem to it impact on career's and marriage. From one side, I believe everyone is free to do whatever they want . On the other side its sad the opinion for fair skin, that only like that people are beautiful, is so deeply ingrained into the culture. Lets something that people from India don't do it for themselves it's about society and pleasing others.
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